Unrecognized Database Format


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Today, 04:03
Nov 21, 2015
Hi I wonder if anybody could help:banghead: I hope I haven't posted this in the wrong forum.

I keep getting this message when using the Look Up Wizard. I'm I doing something wrong? I have tried loads of things from unistalling to reinstalling etc.

Can anybody help please before I go completely mad.:eek:
Firstly, you should not be using the lookup wizard. How about the other wizards, do you get the same error? Do you have any kind of addins installed?
Hi thank you. Can I ask why not. I was using them to link data on a table. It happens when I try to change it to Look up Wizard in the Data Type in Design view.

Where can I check my add ins and what should I have. I'm a bit of a novice at all this
Did you try a "Compact & Repair"?
Or create a new database and import all from the old database into it!
Hi Thank you JHB. I did, not sure if I did it correctly??? Again I did import it, but not sure if I have done it correctly.
What version of Access are you using.

Have you installed any Service Packs?
I am using Access 2010 it was part of Microsoft Professional Plus. I have got a service pack 2 installed.
clearly you should be able to use an inbuilt wizard.

most of us don't use lookup wizards, splitting wizards and so on, because whatever they do is often not quite exactly what you want, and can be simply carried out manually anyway.

so whatever you are trying to do can be done very very simply without the wizard.
Hi thank you. I am not sure how to do this manually. I will have to google it.
Only for testing if it something in your setup computer/MS-Access, could you post a stripped down version of your database with some sample data in it, + a description of how to reproduce the error you get.
Zip it because you haven't post 10 post yet.

think about what you are trying to manage in your lookup field.

let's says it's a sales representative for a customer

generally you need the customer table to store "the sales representative". You could just type a name into a text box. However, if you do that you will get errors/typos and near-duplications, So rather than type the representative name directly into a text box, instead you store the available names in a second table, and use a combo box to pick the name you want.

that's all the wizard does - automatically manages the combo box - and it's so simple to do yourself.

the nuance is that what you ACTUALLY don't do is store the NAME of the representative in the customer table. What you do is add a numeric ID to the representative table, so the rep table consists of 2 columns

ID, Name
1, "jim smith"
2, "fred martin" etc

and the customer table stores the ID number, rather than the name. This way, if the name changes, you can change it in the rep table without the change affecting any other data in the system. your combo box does this for you "behind the scenes"

In truth, the lookup table is not really different to any other table. As you develop further you can add extra stuff to the representative table - phone numbers, addresses, personal information, and so on., which you won't get with the wizard anyway.

hope this helps
I am using Access 2010 it was part of Microsoft Professional Plus. I have got a service pack 2 installed.


It is not anything to do with what I was thinking.

Posting a copy (Stripped down) as suggested would be a good idea.
Hi thank you both. I'm not sure how to post it on here, could you advice me please?
Hi I hope I have done it correctly. the error occurs when I try to link the Film Type field to the File Type in the DVD Titles table.

The input wizard is now also giving me the same message and wont let me use it for the Post code in the Customer table.:banghead:


I don't have your problem with your database on my system, but that doesn't surprize me as it's complaining about the ACWZUSR12.ACCDU database. I suggest trying the following but first you will need to

Follow these steps to display hidden files and folders.
Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.
Click the View tab.
Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, and then click OK.

so that you can get to the ACWZUSR12.ACCDU. Also you will need to close any open Access database.

So first I'd try restoring a copy of that file from your backup.

If you don't have a backup then you can rename it. Let's say xACWZUSR12.ACCDU. When you run Access again a new one will be created.
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Hi. Thank you. How do i restore a copy? sorry to ask so many questions. Ive been trying to figure out how to link fields in a table all day, without using the Look up Wizard. Had to give up before I throw it out the window.
I can't tell you how to restore a copy as I don't know what your backup system is. I use Acronis and if I wanted to restore a file it has a wizard like interface that would guide me through it.

From what I've seen by googling "ACWZUSR12.ACCDU" it doesn't seem that important. I'd just rename it and see what that does for you. You can always rename it back.

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