Update Query problem


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:36
May 12, 2003
I have 2 tables. One table for time and one for reimbursable time.

I want to put the 2 table together in the one time table so it would be easier to manage.

In the 2 tables I have 2 things that are the same last name and dates.
I want to be able to add everything that has a date and last name from the reimbursable table to the time table according to the date. Is this possible and what would I need to do.

thank you.

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Step 0: make a copy of your database, in case you run into problems.

Step 0.5: You may want to add a yes/no field to your tables to flag which records are 'reimbursible time' because there may not be any other way to tell the types of records apart after you combine tables (assuming the distinction is relevant to you)

Step 1: create a select query to get all the records you want to move. Entering 'Is Not Null' as criteria for your fields for date and last name should do the trick.

Step 2: Once you are sure that you are selecting exactly the records you want to 'move', create an APPEND query (with the above query as source) to append these records onto your target table. Using the query design grid, you have an opportunity to adjust for different fieldnames.


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