Updating Year in Code


Registered User.
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Today, 15:26
Jun 2, 2008
I have a form with months Jan --- Dec.

When click on the scroll bar the months should be moved and the year should be updated.

For Example:

Jan Feb .............Dec

When I click on scroll bar it

Feb Mar April ......Dec Jan

The year should be updated once the month reaches January.


My code does not updated year. Any hints?

Private Function ScrollHorizontal(intMoveMonth As Integer)

txtYear1 = Format(CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date)), "yyyy")

txtMonth1 = DateAdd("m", intMoveMonth, CDate("1/1/" & txtYear1))
Debug.Print "txtMonth1"; txtMonth1

For intMonth = 2 To 12
Forms("frmxx")("txtMonth" & (intMonth)) = DateAdd("m", intMonth - 1, txtMonth1)


End Function
you must be doing something wrong with the dateadd. make sure all your variables are being filled. heres a quick example that works

Private Sub button1_Click()
Dim newdate As String
newdate = DateAdd("m", 1, Me.Text1.Value)

Me.Text1.Value = newdate
End Sub
this is for a form with a button and textbox
That did not help.

As I move scroll bar the month should be moved when the Jan comes again the year should be updated. (check the first post)

Moving month works but I not knowing how to update the year.

Moving months code is posted. (works)

txtYear1 = Format(CDate("1/1/" & Year(Date)), "yyyy")
Debug.Print "txtYear1" & txtYear1

txtMonth1 = DateAdd("m", intMonthToMove, CDate("1/1/" & txtYear1))
Debug.Print "txtMonth1"; txtMonth1

For intMonth = 2 To 12
Forms("frmxx")("txtMonth" & (intMonth)) = DateAdd("m", intMonth - 1, txtMonth1)
Debug.Print "txtMonth" & intMonth


Any help is appreciated.
I have to update year after 12 clicks (i.e after moving 12 months) on the scrollbar?

Any help really appreciated.
its not working because your splitting the date up into months and years. for the date add to work in the way that you want (as far as is know) it has to be in this format (mm/dd/yyyy). if you want to split the numbers up on your form, on the onclick event concat all the fields into the above mentioned format. then run the code i gave you. then split it back up and update the fields.

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