User session state


"The Shoe"
Local time
Yesterday, 23:28
Jan 20, 2004
Coming from the web world, we have a way to maintain state with sessions and cookies etc. Is there an equivalent in VBA?

We also have things like application variables that are able to be accessed by all users. Is there a way to set application wide variables similar to ASP?

If you have links that I could visit to save you from re-writing, that would be great as well!

You can define global variables in your modules. In fact, I usually have a module called global, where I have code like this:

Global db As Database
Global cmb As ComboBox
Global frm As Form
Global LogonID As String
Global g_status As String 'Security Status
Global g_istat As Integer
Global g_anArchive As Boolean

You can store user specific information in a table called users. Not sure what data you want to store , but you can design the table to hold user specific information.
just want to set user specific variables when the db opens is all.

Thanks for the info! :)

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