Variable Name for Listbox


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Today, 18:08
Jul 21, 2011
I'm getting a type mismatch error in the following code on the "Set lstname = txt_CurrentListBox" line.
I realize that lstname is an object (listbox) and txt_CurrentListBox is a textbox holding a string so the error makes sense. However, what can I do to use a variable for the listbox name so that this can work? Does anyone know the correct syntax?
Your help is much appreciated!

Dim lstname As listbox
Dim varItem As Variant

Set lstname = txt_CurrentListBox
    For Each varItm In lstname.ItemsSelected
        sql1 = "Insert into tbl_Note_PT_Objective_1 (Note_ID, [Category], Options) "
        sql1 = sql1 & "select " & Globals.glb_NoteID & ", '" & txt_Category & "', '" & lstname.ItemData(varItm) & "'"
        DoCmd.SetWarnings False
        DoCmd.RunSQL sql1
        DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    Next varItm

And just glancing I see that sql1 has a SELECT clause but no FROM. That's not going to work.
If the tex box holds a name of the current listbox that is on the current form, then.
Set lstname = me.controls(txt_CurrentListBox)
So do a Values () instead of a Select for the insert.

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