Hello - I have a process that manipulates PDFs in Access VBA using the Adobe reference, etc. The problem is that when a PDF file is corrupt, it doesn't "crash" normally... rather Adobe will prompt me regarding the bad file and then only when I manually close the file / Adobe, Access will THEN take me to the VBA error where I could do some error trapping. But I want to remove the manual aspect to the process... any suggestions please? THANKS!!!
I don't know! But I thought, this looks like a question to ask chat GPT! I asked and this was the answer:- ( mind you, it is not guaranteed to be correct)
ChatGPT Said:-
Automating a third-party software like Adobe from within Access VBA presents challenges due to the inability to directly trap and handle errors generated by the external application. When dealing with file manipulation and potential issues such as corruption, the best approach is often to build in error-checking steps prior to or after critical operations.
Since you cannot directly catch Adobe's errors within VBA, you can introduce a pre-processing step in your VBA code to validate the PDF file before you open it with Adobe. You may use a third-party tool or library capable of checking the validity of a PDF file, such as Apache PDFBox or PyPDF2.
Unfortunately, these tools are not directly available to VBA. You might need to set up a small Python, Java, or .NET Core application to use these libraries. Then from VBA, you could call the application, passing the PDF file as an argument, and handle the output of that application to check if the PDF is corrupt or not.
You could run the Python script from VBA like this:
VBA ====================
Function IsPdfCorrupt(pdfPath As String) As Boolean
Dim scriptPath As String
scriptPath = "C:\path\to\your\python_script.py" 'Replace with the path of your script
Dim command As String
command = "python " & scriptPath & " " & pdfPath
Dim wsh As Object
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim exec As Object
Set exec = wsh.Exec(command)
'Wait until the command has finished executing
While exec.Status = 0
'The StdOut property contains the command's output
IsPdfCorrupt = CBool(exec.StdOut.ReadAll)
End Function
This function will return True if the PDF file at pdfPath is corrupt, and False otherwise. You could call it before manipulating the PDF file with Adobe, and handle the error if the function returns True.
The solution above involves working with Python, which might be complex if you're only familiar with VBA. Another alternative is to use a tool that is available in a language you're familiar with.
I am first converting regular scanned pdfs to searchable PDFs (using 3rd party software) and then searching for certain words. During the conversion process every once in a while, it will create a corrupted PDF. Out of my control, but I do want to be able to test for it before searching for the words.
Unfortunately, these tools are not directly available to VBA. You might need to set up a small Python, Java, or .NET Core application to use these libraries. Then from VBA, you could call the a
I ended up doing much simpler coding, based on the END of the file (that may have %PDF in the header), but a corrupt PDF would much less likely have %PDF in the final line...
Function fnPDFCorrupt(pFileNameFull As String) As Boolean
Dim sFileFooter As String
sFileFooter = fnFileFooter(pFileNameFull)
If Left(sFileFooter, 4) <> "%PDF" Then
fnPDFCorrupt = True
End If
End Function
Function fnFileFooter(pFileNameFull As String) As String
Dim iFileNum As Long, vLine
iFileNum = FreeFile()
Open pFileNameFull For Input As #iFileNum
Do While Not EOF(iFileNum) 'do a loop to get to last line
Line Input #iFileNum, vLine
Close iFileNum
fnFileFooter = CStr(vLine)
End Function