VBA API call standards


Access User
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Today, 01:58
May 23, 2004
Hello MS Access Expert,

I would like to know if it is possible to make API calls via VBA that meet the below standards:

Ability to adhere to TLS 1.2 encryption for HTTPS connection
Ability to support OAuth 2.0 JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Flow

I have a MS Access system that has been in operation for 20 years and would like to incorporate API calls to an external Salesforce system that requires the above technical specifications.

Thank you
Short answer: Yes, it is possible. I have done it a few times now.
Good to know it's possible and you have implimented it successfully theDBguy.
Just to clarify, I was just answering your question if it's possible to make API calls via VBA that adhere to the standards you listed. I'm not saying I worked with Salesforce. However, I have worked with various Financial Systems, Manufacturing and Inventory Systems, Amazon, and others.
It is always going to depend on whether you have the appropriate .DLL (library) files.

This article suggests that VBA can interact in the required way.

This links to a page of links regarding OAuth2 and Excel, but Excel and Access use the same VBA "driver" so should be compatible.


I am running the Kyle Beachill code as you suggested. OAUTH2 and VBA

When I attempt to get the AuthHeader the code opens an Internet Explorer window with a BING Search. (See below screenshot) I presume I am supposed to do some kind of user interaction based on the code comments (see below) but I am not sure what.

Any assistance would be appreciated thank you.


Can't help you beyond supplying those links because I retired before actually having to deal with OAuth. I found the links via a web search.
Can't help you beyond supplying those links because I retired before actually having to deal with OAuth. I found the links via a web search.
Thanks The_Doc_man.

TheDBGuy are you comfortable sharing some code snippets demonstrating how you successfully implemented OAuth 2.0 or pointing to a source that helped you in your implementation.

Thank you.
TheDBGuy are you comfortable sharing some code snippets demonstrating how you successfully implemented OAuth 2.0 or pointing to a source that helped you in your implementation.
Hi. Merry Christmas! This is probably not going to help you, because it's just a snippet of the code I used, and it's the safest one I can share without giving away my client's information (I hope).
Private Function SubmitAmazonRequest(QueryString As String, strXML As String) As Boolean
'Submits the web request to Amazon

Dim objHTTP As Object
Dim strQueryToSign As String
Dim strSignature As String

'build query string
strQueryToSign = "POST" & Chr(10) _
    & "mws.amazonservices.com" & Chr(10) _
    & "/" & Chr(10) & QueryString

strSignature = URLEncode(CreateSignature(strQueryToSign, SECRET_KEY))

QueryString = QueryString & "&Signature=" & strSignature

Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

'send request
With objHTTP
    .Open "POST", API_URL & QueryString, False
    .setRequestHeader "Accept", "text/xml"
    .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    strXML = .ResponseText
    If .Status = 200 Then
        SubmitAmazonRequest = True 'success
        SubmitAmazonRequest = False 'failure
    End If

End With

End Function
PS. The above is a straight copy and paste from my Module without any edits (just in case you're wondering).
PPS. As for where I got this information - I got it from Amazon's website.
Hi. Merry Christmas! This is probably not going to help you, because it's just a snippet of the code I used, and it's the safest one I can share without giving away my client's information (I hope).
Private Function SubmitAmazonRequest(QueryString As String, strXML As String) As Boolean
'Submits the web request to Amazon

Dim objHTTP As Object
Dim strQueryToSign As String
Dim strSignature As String

'build query string
strQueryToSign = "POST" & Chr(10) _
    & "mws.amazonservices.com" & Chr(10) _
    & "/" & Chr(10) & QueryString

strSignature = URLEncode(CreateSignature(strQueryToSign, SECRET_KEY))

QueryString = QueryString & "&Signature=" & strSignature

Set objHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

'send request
With objHTTP
    .Open "POST", API_URL & QueryString, False
    .setRequestHeader "Accept", "text/xml"
    .setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    strXML = .ResponseText
    If .Status = 200 Then
        SubmitAmazonRequest = True 'success
        SubmitAmazonRequest = False 'failure
    End If

End With

End Function
PS. The above is a straight copy and paste from my Module without any edits (just in case you're wondering).
PPS. As for where I got this information - I got it from Amazon's website.
Thank you TheDBGuy.

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