VBA Code for Bold Text & Hyperlink


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Today, 15:44
Sep 20, 2007
Hi all
I have got some VBA code that opens up outlook, inputs all the subject, To, and body of the email etc
I ideally trying to do it so certain text is bold how would I do this?
also I want a CLICK HERE link that is a hyper link rather than showing the whole website address any ideas?

the reason everything is done through VBA is because due to our security measures I was unable to use an actual template but only a blank one.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set myitem = myOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(CurrentProject.Path & "\TemplateFiles\EmailToHR.oft")

myitem.Subject = UCase("HR REPORT COMPLETED - " & "[" & [Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails].[Form]![LblRef] & "]")

myitem.To = UCase([Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails]![SSFRM_TBLALL_StaffDetails].[Form]![CmbSupervisor].Column(0))


myitem.body = "The HR Report has now been completed. USBs containing the download report will now be placed in HR Secure storage for your collection under the Ref numbers below." & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

"HR Report Reference Numbers:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

"Working Copy - " & [Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails]![SSFRM_TBLALL_StaffDetails].[Form]![LblWorkingCopyRef] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ MAKE THE REF NUMBER SHOW BUT AS A HYPER LINK

"Backup Copy - " & [Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails]![SSFRM_TBLALL_StaffDetails].[Form]![LblBackupCopyRef] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _ MAKE THE REF NUMBER SHOW BUT AS A HYPER LINK

"Your USB BitLocker password is:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & _

[Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails]![SSFRM_TBLALL_StaffDetails].[Form]![BitLockerPassword] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

"If you have any issues / queries please contact the your Local HR hub." & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
For starters you need htmlBody instead of Body. Then you use HTML within the body text, like

<B>Bold text here</B>

Some research should show how to put in the hyperlink.
Thank you, do i simply just change it to myitem.HTMLbody?
For starters you need htmlBody instead of Body. Then you use HTML within the body text, like

<B>Bold text here</B>

Some research should show how to put in the hyperlink.
Well, as I said that's for starters. Then you need html tags in your text.
I know
Well, as I said that's for starters. Then you need html tags in your text.
not having much luck to be honest :(

150 myitem.body = owoFormatHTML
160 myitem.HTMLBody = _
<B>"The HR Report has now been completed. USBs containing the download report will now be placed in HR Secure storage for your collection under the Ref numbers below"</B>
'End With
260 Set oEmailItem = Nothing
270 Set oOutlook = Nothing
The HTML Tags have to be INSIDE the string to be used:

myitem.HTMLBody = _
"<B>The HR Report has now been completed. USBs containing the download report will now be placed in HR Secure storage for your collection under the Ref numbers below</B>"
Hi Minty
I tried the following code
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myitem = myOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(CurrentProject.Path & "\TemplateFiles\EmailToHR.oft")

myitem.Subject = UCase("HR REPORT COMPLETED - " & "[" & [Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails].[Form]![LblRef] & "]")

myitem.To = UCase([Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails]![SSFRM_TBLALL_StaffDetails].[Form]![CmbSupervisor].Column(0))


myitem.HTMLbody = "<B>The HR Report has now been completed. USBs containing the download report will now be placed in HR Secure storage for your collection under the Ref numbers below.</B>"

When I do this the error message Run-time 438, object doesn't support this property shows
The HTML Tags have to be INSIDE the string to be used:

myitem.HTMLBody = _
"<B>The HR Report has now been completed. USBs containing the download report will now be placed in HR Secure storage for your collection under the Ref numbers below</B>"
Sorry I hadn't read the whole thread.
You need

myItem.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML

to switch it to an HTML format, before you can assign something to the HTMLBody property
Hi Minty
thank you again for your help, seems to be showing the error message
message Run-time 5, invalid call argument :

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myitem = myOlApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(CurrentProject.Path & "\TemplateFiles\EmailToHR.oft")

myitem.Subject = UCase("HR REPORT COMPLETED - " & "[" & [Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails].[Form]![LblRef] & "]")

myitem.To = UCase([Forms]![FRM_TBLALL_FullDetails]![SSFRM_TBLALL_StaffDetails].[Form]![CmbSupervisor].Column(0))

myItem.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
myItem.HMTLbody = _
myitem.HTMLbody = "<B>The HR Report has now been completed. USBs containing the download report will now be placed in HR Secure storage for your collection under the Ref numbers below.</B>"
And on which line is the error ??

I suspect this one:
myItem.HMTLbody = _

Remove it, it's not doing anything. Except breaking things.
And on which line is the error ??

I suspect this one:
myItem.HMTLbody = _

Remove it, it's not doing anything. Except breaking things.
its highlighting
myItem.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML

I have removed the
myItem.HMTLbody = _
still showing the same error
Maybe it has to do with my defaults but I don't set the BodyFormat property. Just:

MyMail.htmlBody = strHeader & "<BR><BR>" & strBody & "<BR><BR>" & strSig

Where the various string variables could have html codes within, as well as the <BR> included on this line.
I have BodyFormat in my code and the property does show up in Intellisense.
Can you show your current code and highlight the line that has an error?
Since you are using late-binding your VBA has no knowledge of what olFormatHTML is.

You need to declare the constant yourself.

Add, along with you variable declarations:
Const olFormatHTML As Integer = 2
BTW, do you have Option Explicit declared at the top of every code module (above or below Option Compare Database)?

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