VBA in conversion from 2003 to 2007


New member
Local time
Today, 22:35
Aug 22, 2012
First time post here, so hello one and all.

I have a problem with vba in a db that I have just converted from 2003 to 2007. The vba will not run in any of the existing event procedures set up in buttons or the likes. Macros run fine and when I recreate the button it is recorded as an embedded macro. I have looked at the Trust Centre Settings and have the following set;

Trusted Locations - Allwo Trusted Locations on my network
Macro Settings - enable all macros

Am I missing a basic setting somewhere to allow vba to work?

Any advice or help would be appreciated
Welcome to the forum Chrish,

When you click one of your options does it just fail or debug? You could explore the VBA screen and check the Tools Menu and References to see if anything is MISSING. Versions going upwards should work no problems, have you also tried to compact the database? What also happens if you try and save a copy of the database as version 2007?
Compacted and repaired it, and it worked!!!

Many thanks for the basic thought which solved the problem.

At the moment I'm just testing out the various db's that I use in work before we migrate to 2010 and Windows 7 in a few months so thanks again.

Pleased to have helped Chris and thank you for letting me know it has provided you with a solution. ;)

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