That switch means that each of my two users is disconnected for Access for a few milliseconds every few minutes, while the other User/Laptop talks to Access.
This statement gave me instant chills. Most ethernet switches don't alternate one output between two inputs. In fact, I've never heard of any Ethernet switch that does that. Please double-check the description of what that switch does because - I'll be a bit blunt here - that is a suicidal network configuration if there is actually a make-and-break connection going on. If that description IS correct, then the rest of my comments might seem a bit dire and a bit harsh.
I'm somewhat surprised the database doesn't crash out from under you every time that switch switches over. My chill comes from the theory of TCP connections, which are session oriented, and the SMB protocol (or SMB2 or SMB3) definitely is a session protocol. Every time you break a connection, unless you have "TCP Session Reconnect" enabled somewhere in one of the registry network settings or in the network \etc\ folder's config files, you risk losing that connection and can never make it again. It's a network security thing and I'm stunned that any IT security person would ever even allow "Reconnect" to be enabled. Among other reasons, it's a hacker highway into your machine.
The only OTHER way that this switch could be effective is to have a long device timeout during which your network session sockets will be pinging away trying to reconnect with their partner nodes before the driver-level connection times out. When that switchover occurs (which I presume only occurs when two people are pinging away at the same time), what is happening is that immediately after the break, the network is undergoing a time-out countdown trying desperately to reconnect before the time-out expires. If I am right, the
only thing that saves you is that neither side loses the session because the timeout is long enough. Until the day occurs when it isn't long enough, at which point you will have a super-high risk of database corruption.
Access is designed for consistent network connections. Even a wi-fi momentary break has been known to corrupt Access databases for the reasons described above. What happens more specifically: The session layer of the ISO network model needs continuity because the presentation layer is using a numbering scheme that, if the network session breaks, cannot be re-established. Essentially, the session sequence number gets lost and any partial transaction is now incomplete forever. Which is pretty much the definition of a corrupted database.
My theory of what happens in your observed slowdown no longer has anything to do with persistent connections - because if that switch DOES create make-and-break connections based on multiple users, you are describing a case of non-persistent sessions.
Adding a proper network port isn't as expensive as you think, though. I am not allowed to advertise any product here, but do an internet search for "multiport ethernet adapters" and you will see a 1-to-3 adapter as cheap as $12.00 USA dollars or 1-to-5 adapters starting at $20.00 USA. If your situation is so dire that you can't afford to use one of those devices, your business is already bankrupt. It is the nature of the Ethernet connection that if two users want to send at the same time, they have a method of resolving the connection conflict in a way that doesn't kill the other sessions.
NOTE: IF your quoted description isn't actually correct, then we have to keep looking and I apologize if the above spun you up.