We are so lucky

Space Cowboy

Local time
Today, 04:37
May 19, 2024
... to be living in such fantastic exciting times.

Humanity is on the brink of successfully implementing...

Nuclear fusion
quantum computing

I wish I was young enough to be able to see what will happen with all these breakthrough technologies. It seems to me as revolutionary for humanity as the discovery of electricity.
I believe fusion is still a long way off. The last I heard it still hadn't even achieved a return of one percent of the energy expended to initiate the reaction. Solar will produce more power for lower cost than fusion will ever achieve.

Robotics and AI will be ways for the rich to not need the poor for work and will lead to a social catastrophe.

Millions are starving and dying in wars and environment destruction continues unabated. Lack of fresh water is going to be a disaster. Persistent poisonous chemicals and microplastic pollution will also cause disasters.

I'm glad I won't be here for the worst of it but I feel for my grandchildren.
I hope that the emerging technology will be used by mankind in new and innovative ways to solve the problems that we face, there are some creative people out there.
Its difficult to argue against that the indicative facts of the current situation has the potential to be unpleasant.
But I have an unshakable belief that the 50% of the world population that is altruistic will come good in the end.
Do we try to reduce the number of children born to reduce the overall demand [for water, food] or do we increase them to abate the problem of too big an aging population to be cared for?

Add to all those scary things the national debt of the US, which is close to making it fail - that's not something I want to leave to my grandchildren but when the only solutions proposed involve just throwing cash at a situation, it's destined to fail. The scarier thing is that most people in the US under 40 know little about this and have no awareness of it. If they panicked about this half as much as they do about the environment, we might be able to save our financial environment, the dearth of which will be just as disastrous as anything else
Solar will produce more power for lower cost than fusion will ever achieve.
Fission is already here and pretty safe. But the "climate change" loons won't let us use it.

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