What smartphone do you use?


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Today, 22:11
Sep 28, 1999
I have a OnePlus 7 Pro, which is about 5 years old now. Battery is a bit shot. Looking at upgrading to a Google Pixel 9 XL, with all its smart AI features.
I have the Samsung S24 and the Google Pixel 8 that xFinity provided as a replacement for my land-line. Both are very capable phones, but I would give the nod to Samsung. It could be that I am more familiar with it so take my words for what they are worth...
Google Pixel 6a
Wow, lots of people with the Pixel here. That surprised me, because they are only a small percentage of the market.
SAMSUNG A71-5G/Android

It's a slightly lower-end machine (thus cheaper) that allows browsing with Chrome, and I sometimes hop onto the forum that way. It is 5G-ready even though my neighborhood was only 4G when I bought it. (Bell South is upgrading now.) Has tons of space because I don't keep much on it but pictures and I frequently transfer them to my PC and clean out the phone's photo gallery folder. Something silly like 128 GB of storage plus 6 GB of working RAM for programs. Since I don't keep games on it either, there is very little on it. As little as I use it, one charge lasts a week or more.
Iphone SE really old. Only use it for texts. Seldom make a call on it. The best app is Freecell. I go days sometimes never using it. I would never have email or bank stuff on it - wouldn't know how to put it on anyway. The less I use it the better.
I would never have email or bank stuff on it - wouldn't know how to put it on anyway.

The e-mail isn't that hard for Android phones because Outlook can run there. When I first got the phone, it tried hard to convince me I needed it to be activated. Stubborn me... if you have a text-capable phone, who needs e-mail?

However, I fully agree with you, Col. The less I use it, the better. The ONLY reason I had a cell phone at all was in 2005, Hurricane Katrina forced me to move to Ft. Worth for about 7 months while my wife was back home in New Orleans with her mother. I was making the money. She was spending it on the contractors repairing house damage. We kept in touch by cell for those seven months by cell. Afterwards, I was on 24-hour call status and the cell was how the Navy got me to come in when needed.
I really like my pixel. it is more or less perfect IMO. occasionally8 has a glitch where the vibration stops working, i just restart it.
Samsung s24 Ultra. Does way more than I need it to. Built in AI. 200 megapixel camera. A smart pen. Real time translation during phone calls.
More stuff I haven't even tried yet.
However, I fully agree with you, Col. The less I use it, the better.
There was a thing on the telly recently about the fact that most people have all their personal details on their mobile phone - bank details, card pin numbers, email, passwords etc etc.
Walk down any city street and you see people on their mobile, or (particularly girls) with their mobile phone sticking out the back pocket of their jeans or trousers. The thieves whizz up from behind and nick the phone, then if they're lucky and the owner is on a call, they don't even have to crack the pin or password. The thieves are very skilled in breaking into mobiles they then have full access and will clear a bank account in minutes, or order stuff on line as they have all the details they need.
No thank you, I'll just use my mobile in an emergency if needed. When it dies I probably won't have another smartphone, perhaps a pay-as-you-go one like an old Nokia, just in case. I don't think I've ever used Google on my phone.
Samsung s24 Ultra. Does way more than I need it to. Built in AI. 200 megapixel camera. A smart pen. Real time translation during phone calls.
More stuff I haven't even tried yet.
Do you use the pen much and if so for what?
There was a thing on the telly recently about the fact that most people have all their personal details on their mobile phone - bank details, card pin numbers, email, passwords etc etc.
Walk down any city street and you see people on their mobile, or (particularly girls) with their mobile phone sticking out the back pocket of their jeans or trousers. The thieves whizz up from behind and nick the phone, then if they're lucky and the owner is on a call, they don't even have to crack the pin or password. The thieves are very skilled in breaking into mobiles they then have full access and will clear a bank account in minutes, or order stuff on line as they have all the details they need.
No thank you, I'll just use my mobile in an emergency if needed. When it dies I probably won't have another smartphone, perhaps a pay-as-you-go one like an old Nokia, just in case. I don't think I've ever used Google on my phone.
Not that I disagree with most of what you said, but FYI, my phone is locked for the phone call - you can end the call, but then the lock screen comes up
How about those social medium sites. You hear how people are corrupted, or seduced into unsavoury meetings etc etc. Sites like Tik Tak, instamatic or face ache, or that site owned by that car maker who's name is like an aftershave, are they any good or just a money maker for the owners? What is the purpose of them? I just don't get it. Seems like a load of hassle and time wasting to me.
Seems like a load of hassle and time wasting to me.
me too

earlier today my wife was trying to figure out how to get a happy birthday message to a long-lost niece. she had to try to figure out how to do it by instagram, because that's the only way this niece seems to 'receive' messages - to me it all seemed very silly, why not just send a text message?
me too

earlier today my wife was trying to figure out how to get a happy birthday message to a long-lost niece. she had to try to figure out how to do it by instagram, because that's the only way this niece seems to 'receive' messages - to me it all seemed very silly, why not just send a text message?
Why not send a card by post? I do.
The Samsung A71 didn't come with a pen.

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