What's the best way to...


likes garlic
Local time
Today, 13:20
May 24, 2002
Hopefully someone out there can help me.

I have a database which holds information relating to schemes. In one table I hold common information about all types of schemes (location, description etc), and I then have 3 other tables which hold information relating to each type of scheme.

I have a number of queries and reports for monitoring purposes which show dates for when scheme design documents and scheme estimate documents should arrive in our office and when they actually do. This way I can look at the reports, and any documents overdue are highlighted in colour.

However, although this works perfectly, there is no guarantee that myself or other users will look at the report when the documents become overdue. It is possible that report won't be looked at for a while, so I would like to create something that automatically appears to highlight this.

I looked at some old posts and someone suggested that displaying a message box isn't the best way to bring an overdue item to your attention as it can annoy your users, so I thought about automatically emailing myself so I can see that we should have received a document by that target date. Is this the best way to do this? If not, does anyone have any suggestions? And how would I go about doing this as I don't know a great deal about using vba.

Any help appreciated.
Hmm...I have two suggestions:

You would either use conditional formating to make over due accounts stand out from the rest of the records!

Or you can schedule a task to e-mail you a report with the query is IsNot Null.

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