When printing multiple copies of multiple reports; keep copies together?


New member
Local time
Today, 03:08
Jan 28, 2015
This is something I've struggled with for years. I have never found the solution.

If it ends up being something simple.... erg...

Anyway, I use a database to print invoices. I have the following to print all open invoices for a specified driver. It auto prints two (2) copies of every invoice.

However, it prints all of the 1st copies then all of the 2nd copies and then we manually match them up.

Ideally, MS Access would print 1st copy then 2nd copy, 1st copy then 2nd copy, etc...

Instead of, 1st copy, 1st copy, 1st copy, then 2nd copy, 2nd copy, 2nd copy...

Hope this makes sense...

If anyone knows how to do this, you'll save us extra work everyday...

Many thx in advance!

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSalesInvoiceEdit", acViewPreview, , , acHidden
DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, "rptSalesInvoiceEdit"
DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection, , , acHigh, Forms![frmPrintPromptSalesOrdersedit].[txtCopies], True
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptSalesInvoiceEdit"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryUpdateSalesInvoicePrintedEdit", acViewNormal, acEdit
you create a table (see zzCopies) with 2 records in it.
create a Query that uses zzCopies and your table (see Query1)
see the report in Preview.


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