Which technology is best to learn between front-end and back-end development? (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 15:08
Jun 24, 2024
Hello experts,

I need some advise because I'm at a crossroads in my development career. I want to create a mobile application that runs on both iOS and Android, but I'm not sure if I should concentrate on front-end, back-end, or full stack development. I also want to decide which programming language is best for creating cross-platform software. React Native, Flutter, and native programming are a few of the choices I've heard about.

I read this post and learned a little bit, but I still have some questions about which of the topics might lead to a promising future. Any first-hand knowledge or advice from those who have created cross-platform mobile apps would be very appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your insights!

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 05:38
Feb 19, 2002
I want to create a mobile application that runs on both iOS and Android, but I'm not sure if I should concentrate on front-end, back-end, or full stack development.
Welcome to AWS but you are in the wrong place.

You are asking the wrong group of people. This forum is mostly populated by people who develop using MS Access and MS Access does not run on EITHER iOS or Android. It runs on Windows ONLY.

Some people have developed apps using non-Access platforms so you might get some useful advice but don't hold your breath.


I’m here to help
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:38
Oct 29, 2018
Hi. Welcome to AWF!

Whether you should concentrate on front, back, or full stack might also depend on your skills. I think most people tend to get good at one part first before adding the other parts into their toolbelt. For example, one could be very logical at designing the database model and structure but might struggle with color coordination, etc. when trying to design a matching user interface.


Active member
Local time
Today, 04:38
Jul 8, 2023
I also want to decide which programming language is best for creating cross-platform software. React Native, Flutter, and native programming are a few of the choices I've heard about.
Try one with a big community, probably React Native.

I'm not sure if I should concentrate on front-end, back-end, or full stack development
Build something full stack and see whether you prefer one.

I'm at a crossroads in my development career. I want to create a mobile application that runs on both iOS and Android
I'd say choose one technology that is mature enough and stick with it.


George Hepworth
Local time
Today, 02:38
Nov 25, 2004
Hello experts,

I need some advise because I'm at a crossroads in my development career. I want to create a mobile application that runs on both iOS and Android, but I'm not sure if I should concentrate on front-end, back-end, or full stack development. I also want to decide which programming language is best for creating cross-platform software. React Native, Flutter, and native programming are a few of the choices I've heard about.

I read this post and learned a little bit, but I still have some questions about which of the topics might lead to a promising future. Any first-hand knowledge or advice from those who have created cross-platform mobile apps would be very appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your insights!
You didn't mention where your current skill set lies. Are you an Access developer looking to expand to include mobile applications? What kinds of projects have you previously completed? Where do you see yourself acquiring new projects with your new skill set?

Picking a programming language on the basis of what others prefer is going to lead to a choice based primarily on the personal preferences of those who respond, not on what fits best with your needs.

In other words, there is no global standard here. Decide what kind of work most interests you and start experimenting with related technologies that others working in those areas are using.

Personally, I have added PowerApps development to Access on the assumption that staying within the same family of Microsoft development tools would be a good fit. In some ways it is, in some ways it isn't. If I were looking to create public-facing web applications that run in an anonymous environment, it would not be a fit at all. For a mobile extension of an existing Access relational database application, it is a great fit. But is that what you need or want? That's what matters.

What kind of applications do you see yourself creating? Let that decision guide you to appropriate platforms and programming languages. There are plenty to choose from.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:38
Sep 12, 2006
All I will say is I would have liked to explore database development with Delphi (Embarcadero) because I was reasonable competent when it was turbo Pascal, but not so good when it went proper object oriented. I couldn't see that the Delphi starter edition offered database programming, or if it did, I couldn't work out how to get a nice easy data binding to a form as you can with Access. I didn't want to have to pay for a developer edition, anyway.

Being able to produce a true .exe app instead of a .accde interested me.

The reason I say this, is because I know that the Delphi software includes IOS and Android development technology, and you would have a nice environment to try stuff.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 05:38
Dec 20, 2007
After a lifetime of learning new ways to do things, my method has become something like this.
Which ever community offers the best free learning tools.

I switched from a 35 year career of using AutoCAD to Chief Architect for one reason. The community offered an insane amount of support. Do a search on Blender, a program used to create motion pictures. That community is so committed, major motion pictures have been made using it.

A freeware piece of software, imagine that.


Local time
Today, 11:38
Apr 18, 2020
There are different development environments for creating apps for Android and iOS
Each with advantages and disadvantages compared to the others

Check https://appinventor.mit.edu/ it allows you to quickly create apps for both Android and iOS
It is simple to use to get started but does not allow you to take full advantage of some features, for example running an app as a background service

Check https://www.b4x.com/ it is more complex to use than AppInventor but allows you more features, such as background services

Check the native development environments https://developer.android.com/studio and https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
They are the OFFICIAL development environments from the operating system manufacturers and allow you to do basically anything
With slightly greater complexity than the other two

Keep in mind that for Android you can find free and fully functional development environments and you can upload the apps produced directly onto smartphones/tablets completely free of charge, while for iOS it is necessary to register and subscribe as a developer with Apple and comply with the rules imposed by them, a procedure not always free from problems


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 05:38
Dec 20, 2007
There are different development environments for creating apps for Android and iOS
Each with advantages and disadvantages compared to the others

Check https://appinventor.mit.edu/ it allows you to quickly create apps for both Android and iOS
It is simple to use to get started but does not allow you to take full advantage of some features, for example running an app as a background service

Check https://www.b4x.com/ it is more complex to use than AppInventor but allows you more features, such as background services

Check the native development environments https://developer.android.com/studio and https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
They are the OFFICIAL development environments from the operating system manufacturers and allow you to do basically anything
With slightly greater complexity than the other two

Keep in mind that for Android you can find free and fully functional development environments and you can upload the apps produced directly onto smartphones/tablets completely free of charge, while for iOS it is necessary to register and subscribe as a developer with Apple and comply with the rules imposed by them, a procedure not always free from problems
what is the best combination of all?


George Hepworth
Local time
Today, 02:38
Nov 25, 2004
what is the best combination of all?
"Best" is a hopelessly subjective judgment. If you ask a dozen web developers what is "best" you will receive at least half a dozen different approaches, each claiming the title, "best". IMO, it's a counter-productive approach to choosing tools.

If you ask, instead, what is a viable, efficient, effective and cost-effective approach to this project at this time under these circumstances, you will get more objectively considered options, I'm sure. Especially so, if people who have worked on similar projects under similar circumstances can call on their relevant experience.

In fact, that's highlighted in your post #7, where you specifically call out the technology you selected for a specific kind of work.
"I switched from a 35 year career of using AutoCAD to Chief Architect for one reason. ... support." You didn't say Chief Architect is the "best"; you chose it because it offered something of great value to you in your development efforts.

But, because I'm confident my advice is always the best, I'm going to suggest Microsoft Access and SQL Server as the best development platform for most front-end/back-end development.

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