White Lies


Registered User
Local time
Today, 00:34
Jun 9, 2004
What is the latest little white lie you've told?

I told cupcake I had a biscuit for breakfast when she called when actually I had two eggs scrambled, biscuit & gravy, a smoke link, grits and a orange juice....:o
You did have a biscuit - where's the lie?

Being economical with the truth is not a lie.:rolleyes:

If you had said you had a bowl of museli and didn't, thats a lie.

ColinEssex said:
You did have a biscuit - where's the lie?

Being economical with the truth is not a lie.:rolleyes:

If you had said you had a bowl of museli and didn't, thats a lie.


Thanks - I feel much better now... No need to burden her with details :D
I never lie...

I willfully participate in campaigns of misinformation:D
Bodisathva said:
I never lie...

I willfully participate in campaigns of misinformation:D

Let me guess... You're a politician?
KenHigg said:
Let me guess... You're a politician?
No, I'm a software engineer, but my father was a politician in addition to being an attorney....I learned all about perception:eek:
Bodisathva said:
No, I'm a software engineer, but my father was a politician in addition to being an attorney....I learned all about perception:eek:

Shouldn't that be MIS-perception? :D
Kenny boy, I'm sure you wife will notice that you aren't just eating biscuts in the morning with your 'girth' grows a bit in the middle.

So becareful what white lie you say, because Karma is a '*itch' and she will come back and get you.

Heys it's my last day, I can say what I want. :p*
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My Dad use to tell me all the time, "lie about a little thing, lie about anything."
I'm not trying to be goodie two shoes, cause I sure mess up in other ways, but this is one that I do not knowingly do.:) I guess that makes me a stick in the mud.
ShaneMan said:
My Dad use to tell me all the time, "lie about a little thing, lie about anything."
I'm not trying to be goodie two shoes, cause I sure mess up in other ways, but this is one that I do not knowingly do.:) I guess that makes me a stick in the mud.

Is this you:


:D :D :D
KARMA!!! Yeah, my bad spelling showed once more.
selenau837 said:
KARMA!!! Yeah, my bad spelling showed once more.

I sense a little bad karma when I see a word in all caps followed three successive exclamation marks...:p
Haven't you ever heard of the term 'lie of omission'? ;)

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