Why do we have to learn android programming?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 06:08
Mar 22, 2009
When everything can be achieved through HTML 5 and other common web programming tools... Expecting replies. Thanks :)
Who is making you learn Android programming? Ask that person.
My personal experience. A few years ago, I created a simple password generator app in Visual Basic 6, which I later converted to JavaScript for web use. The idea was to generate unique passwords based on a combination of a simple password and the application name, without storing any passwords.

You can check out the web version of this app here:
Password Generator

I converted the JavaScript code into Dart, the language used in Flutter. With the Visual Studio Code IDE.

Using this single codebase, the App can be compiled into native applications for Android, iOS, Windows, and more. This cross-platform capability maximizes the reach of your application without the need for multiple development projects.

Learning Android programming allows you to create applications that work seamlessly on both Android and iOS, taking full advantage of the growing mobile market.
When everything can be achieved through HTML 5 and other common web programming tools...
Can it?
"Everything" is a very general area. As an extreme example to disprove your assumption: Try to create a hardware device driver using HTML5.

Nonetheless, we certainly do not have to learn Android programming.
Can it?
"Everything" is a very general area. As an extreme example to disprove your assumption: Try to create a hardware device driver using HTML5.

Nonetheless, we certainly do not have to learn Android programming.
If I have to choose only one topic to start learning. Which is better? Web Programming with reactive interfaces? or Android Programming from the scratch?
Which is better? Web Programming with reactive interfaces? or Android Programming from the scratch?
"Better" depends on your requirements, or, in absence thereof, on your personal preferences.

HTML5 programming certainly has a wider area of usage, is easier to learn, and has more tooling and frameworks available.
At this point there are so many drag 'n drop App-makers out there, you really don't have to learn android programming to make an app. You just have to learn drag 'n drop. (as so many areas of coding have become anyway - not really programming)

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