With and without Table Lookups


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:05
May 2, 2000
Hi Guys,

May I have some advice --

I have one attribute in the table and the table is normalized. But we have the same attribute in two different forms, one with a table lookup and the other with a free form text input. I'm trying to rationalize this for a dashboard output.

Do I keep it as one attribute or do I make 2 - one for the table lookup and 1 for the free form input? What are the pros and cons of each?


Marty Habicht
keep just one field

assuming there is no data type issue, and it's just a field that lets a user select say, a US State - then either a combo box, list box or text box, can be used

with a list box or combo box, you can see the available values - with a text box you cannot - so the issue is really one of user inteface design. The main issue is how you wish to manage the situation when the entered value does not exist - there is no "not in list" event with a text box
Thanks for the prompt reply...
I guess that how I will deal with the anwser (in the dash board) is give the result of the dropdown (5 categories) plus lump all the rest into another category called "Other"
That seems reasonable, right?

Thanks again,
I don't quite follow. How can there be values that aren't in the drop down?
Well, the employees (inside the government) know that they deal with certain institutions only, where as the rest of the responders outside of the government can enter any institution they deal with. So there is the dilemma...

I also realize only NOW that my simplified solution to the problem may not be so good... the employees only deal with certain institutions, while the rest of the responders MAY deal with the same institution and it may be dumped into the "Other" category!!

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