WordWeave: Scrabble Just Got a Makeover!


Games Collector
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Today, 12:24
Mar 31, 2017

so, a quiz wasn't enough and now I have (why not) made a scrabble game (I also have a point and click adventure game in progress can be found on here)

very basic at moment but does have a few scrabble functions which work well (well I think so)

  1. On Playing after typing users’ names and progressing it assigns you the 7 letters (I did think about making these clickable tiles, if anyone has played scrabble on the PS1 you have an idea what I mean)
  2. Scores your words (Again not 100% as it will do whole board)
  3. Checks if your word is correct (if you type in to the text box at moment, again might be missing some two letter words)
  4. It has the function to pick random letter to see who goes first (not yet fully implemented the lookup to show the result)
more to come with future updates and hope like what see so far


1. Scrabble allows more than 2 players. Don't need separate tables for players. Have a field in table for player name/ID and apply filter.

2. How do you plan to keep players from seeing each other's tiles?

3. Words can be longer than 7 letters. A single play can build more than one word.
1. Scrabble allows more than 2 players. Don't need separate tables for players. Have a field in table for player name/ID and apply filter.

2. How do you plan to keep players from seeing each other's tiles?

3. Words can be longer than 7 letters. A single play can build more than one word.
Thanks for inputs and to answer questions

1. Yes i am aware but for simple starting with just 2

2. using code and buttons

3. yes they can be they only have 7 letters at a time, so im not sure about this point

But thanks for looking in first place :)
I think I misunderstood purpose of PlayerXTable. I had thought the seven letter fields were for words constructed but now presume they are for letters drawn by player and available during a turn.

Should I be able to see player letters?

Should the "select for first player" occur before letters are given to players or are all letters considered still available for the "first player" draw?

Suggest you get player tables correct before coding.
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the board at present is like that just for the first move ( when i code it fully ) and yes true the select letter should be before name and letters given ill change the logic on that later :)
I thin you could do this much simpler if you normalized the data. This would significantly reduce the number of tables, amount of code, and number of action queries. Provides more flexibility too. Puts everything into one place.

Basically need 3 tables for managing the game.
With this design you can have more than 2 players if you wish without modifying code or table strcuture.

- playerID
- playerName
-playerSortOrder ('can assign who goes first")

I modified Scrabbleletters to what I called tblLetters. This moves the points into this table for ease of calculations and add a Sort order field.
-LetterScore (points)

Then you simply update the LetterOrder once at the beginning of the game and then pop letters from that list into tblGameLetters.

You push the correct amount of letters IDs for each player needing letters from this table into what I called tblGameLetters.

-Played (yes if it is played, no if not)
-Multiplier (you can add a multiplier if this letter played on double, triple letter score)
(With this design you have one table and know what was played by what player, what letters are in their 'hand" but not yet played. Therefore how many new letters they need. With a simple query you can calculate all scoring except double,triple word score)

1. If I letter is played mark it played.
2. You can then simply figure out using a query how many letters a player needs.
3. You know what letters to draw from and in what order using this query. Pop the next available letter.

SELECT tblLetters.LetterID, tblLetters.LetterOrder
FROM tblLetters LEFT JOIN tblGameLetters ON tblLetters.LetterID = tblGameLetters.LetterID_FK
WHERE (((tblGameLetters.LetterID_FK) Is Null))
ORDER BY tblLetters.LetterOrder;

So almost all of your code simply becomes this.
1. You update the sort order at the beginning of the game
2. Whenever you need to you loop the players and determine from the query how many letters each player needs to draw. At the beginning of the game you can also specify 1 letter to determine sort order. (Obviously if a player did not just play any letters, they will not be assigned new ones. So you do not have to figure out who actually just played letters.
3. In scrabble I think players can throw letters back. Then just delete from tblGameLetters

Public Sub AssignRandom()
  'Update the table at beginning of game
  Dim I As Integer
  Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
  Dim strSql As String
  strSql = "Select rnd([id]) as sort, letter, Letterorder  from tblLetters order by rnd([id])"
  Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
  Do While Not rs.EOF
    I = I + 1
    rs!letterOrder = I
End Sub
Public Sub DrawLetters(Optional LetterDraw As Integer = 7)
  Dim rsAvailable As DAO.Recordset
  Dim rsPlayers As DAO.Recordset
  Dim I As Integer
  Dim InHand As Integer
  Dim ToDraw As Integer
  Dim strSql As String
  'sorted letters not used or inhand
  'Set rsAvailable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryAvailableLetters")
  Set rsPlayers = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qrySortedPlayers")
  'loop players
  Do While Not rsPlayers.EOF
    InHand = DCount("*", "tblGameLetters", "PlayerID_FK = " & rsPlayers!PlayerID & " AND Played = False")
    ToDraw = LetterDraw - InHand
    'if They have less in their hand then number to draw
    If ToDraw > 0 Then
        strSql = "Select Top " & ToDraw & " * from qryAvailableLetters order by letterOrder"
        Debug.Print strSql
        Set rsAvailable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
        'Check if any letters left
        If Not rsAvailable.EOF Then
          If rsAvailable.RecordCount = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No tiles left"
            Exit Sub
          End If
          Do While Not rsAvailable.EOF
            strSql = "Insert into tblGameLetters (LetterID_FK,PlayerID_FK) VALUES (" & rsAvailable!LetterID & ", " & rsPlayers!PlayerID & ")"
            CurrentDb.Execute strSql
        End If
    End If
End Sub


Todays workings in 0.91d

New Bits Added

( in one square , the middle square ) code to check whether the letter placed is/on your tiles/selection of letters allocated

text box ( wow kev, how do you come up with these ideas ) which shows the letters assigned/allocated ( yes it will be hidden on a turn by turn basis in future ) but also ability to shuffle letters as would maybe on real scrabble to maybe see a word

added function to whosfirst to show which is closer to A ( so in future can use that to pick which player plays the first word )


The about form was not quite working as should you would open from smallerscreen form and close the about and end up back on normal size form so fixed that


Thanks for looking and for commenting and all ideas are very much welcome :)



Record of who was closer to a now works so gameboard small screen ( at the moment ) works to show if player one or player two is first and hides parts accordingly


I thin you could do this much simpler if you normalized the data. This would significantly reduce the number of tables, amount of code, and number of action queries. Provides more flexibility too. Puts everything into one place.

Basically need 3 tables for managing the game.
With this design you can have more than 2 players if you wish without modifying code or table strcuture.

- playerID
- playerName
-playerSortOrder ('can assign who goes first")

I modified Scrabbleletters to what I called tblLetters. This moves the points into this table for ease of calculations and add a Sort order field.
-LetterScore (points)

Then you simply update the LetterOrder once at the beginning of the game and then pop letters from that list into tblGameLetters.

You push the correct amount of letters IDs for each player needing letters from this table into what I called tblGameLetters.

-Played (yes if it is played, no if not)
-Multiplier (you can add a multiplier if this letter played on double, triple letter score)
(With this design you have one table and know what was played by what player, what letters are in their 'hand" but not yet played. Therefore how many new letters they need. With a simple query you can calculate all scoring except double,triple word score)

1. If I letter is played mark it played.
2. You can then simply figure out using a query how many letters a player needs.
3. You know what letters to draw from and in what order using this query. Pop the next available letter.

SELECT tblLetters.LetterID, tblLetters.LetterOrder
FROM tblLetters LEFT JOIN tblGameLetters ON tblLetters.LetterID = tblGameLetters.LetterID_FK
WHERE (((tblGameLetters.LetterID_FK) Is Null))
ORDER BY tblLetters.LetterOrder;

So almost all of your code simply becomes this.
1. You update the sort order at the beginning of the game
2. Whenever you need to you loop the players and determine from the query how many letters each player needs to draw. At the beginning of the game you can also specify 1 letter to determine sort order. (Obviously if a player did not just play any letters, they will not be assigned new ones. So you do not have to figure out who actually just played letters.
3. In scrabble I think players can throw letters back. Then just delete from tblGameLetters

Public Sub AssignRandom()
  'Update the table at beginning of game
  Dim I As Integer
  Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
  Dim strSql As String
  strSql = "Select rnd([id]) as sort, letter, Letterorder  from tblLetters order by rnd([id])"
  Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
  Do While Not rs.EOF
    I = I + 1
    rs!letterOrder = I
End Sub
Public Sub DrawLetters(Optional LetterDraw As Integer = 7)
  Dim rsAvailable As DAO.Recordset
  Dim rsPlayers As DAO.Recordset
  Dim I As Integer
  Dim InHand As Integer
  Dim ToDraw As Integer
  Dim strSql As String
  'sorted letters not used or inhand
  'Set rsAvailable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryAvailableLetters")
  Set rsPlayers = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qrySortedPlayers")
  'loop players
  Do While Not rsPlayers.EOF
    InHand = DCount("*", "tblGameLetters", "PlayerID_FK = " & rsPlayers!PlayerID & " AND Played = False")
    ToDraw = LetterDraw - InHand
    'if They have less in their hand then number to draw
    If ToDraw > 0 Then
        strSql = "Select Top " & ToDraw & " * from qryAvailableLetters order by letterOrder"
        Debug.Print strSql
        Set rsAvailable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
        'Check if any letters left
        If Not rsAvailable.EOF Then
          If rsAvailable.RecordCount = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No tiles left"
            Exit Sub
          End If
          Do While Not rsAvailable.EOF
            strSql = "Insert into tblGameLetters (LetterID_FK,PlayerID_FK) VALUES (" & rsAvailable!LetterID & ", " & rsPlayers!PlayerID & ")"
            CurrentDb.Execute strSql
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Sorry i didnt see you had done this ill have to give it a look :)
Been a bit busy with work and the like but have been toiling away when i can, see version .91N


The button new word check now asks for a word and checks it against dictionary ( still need to sort some error catching and rules if invalid like in real life i think its a miss a go ) it will then ask for coordinates and place your letters and remove them from your selection, calculate and replace to make back to 7 ( but seen a few times where it is maybe over riding some letters in the PlayerOne / PlayerTwoTable )

also have changed the start up logic ever so. So now users put in names choosed who will be first and then on this it assigns the random 7 letters

player turn is now working so after played a word it will switch after done all of the logic for calc and the like

working on

i do have a check if letter is allocated so need to get that worked in and also when it assigns letters i think it is ticking them all of same letter so need to check that


but thanks for looking and commenting


A bit more updating

added - exchange of letters so now you can exchange your 7 letters just like in a normal real life old fashioned scrabble game ( may not be fancy or slimline in code/query but it works for me )

to work on still - the code some times seems to get stuck when you place a word doesn't seem to update active player, also still need to work out 2 main things to check if letter is in the users selection when they type the word when asked and also on scoring, when using letters already on the game board

( think that last one going to be biggest headache )


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that is awesome i think i shall close this as solved cheers well done to you though, take no credit what so ever for that its a great example
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ok sir.. you are a genius, it works so dam well :) i have one question though ( well sorry more then one )

1st - HOW THE FECK did you do this and make it so clean

2nd - The ? tile which is for the blank. is there a way you could make it so can input what letter you require ?

ok sorry had another play and thought of a 3rd hope dont mind

3rd - can it be made to shuffle the letters ( i did this in my last version ) but not sure how you would implement in yours, im just casing you would shuffle the letters and not move the tiles
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I will answer these questions on the other thread I posted. Since this forum is a moderated forum, the administrators have to approve every thread. Sometimes that takes a while to get responses.

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