Worth the risk?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Tomorrow, 03:39
Mar 22, 2009
I have a kindle for the last 12 years. Currently its battery is not keeping well the charge. If I put the device in wifi or Data mode the charge depletes overnight. Saw a disassembly video last night in YouTube on how to replace it's battery. Worth taking the risk?

Already sent it to Amazon for battery replacement but they labelled it not economically viable to change the battery. I wonder whose economy they are telling about. I recently attended an electronics course. My bluetooth soundbar is lying useless out of my curiosity.
Does it have value if you don't replace the battery? In other words, is it usable as is? If not, then there really isn't any risk in trying to replace the battery. If so, only you can decide if the risk is worth it. Part of that decision would involve watching the video and deciding how capable you are of following the directions.
Does it have value if you don't replace the battery? In other words, is it usable as is? If not, then there really isn't any risk in trying to replace the battery. If so, only you can decide if the risk is worth it. Part of that decision would involve watching the video and deciding how capable you are of following the directions.
Currently keeping charge for 5 days on Aeroplane mode. And its a Kindle e-reader not a Fire tablet. Thanks for the reply.
Already sent it to Amazon for battery replacement but they labelled it not economically viable to change the battery.

Translation: They want you to buy a new one because the company will make more money that way than they will if they repair old things. Among other things, finding parts for a 12-year-old machine might be near impossible. I would bet they stopped making the parts six or seven years ago.
Hi Doc,
Nice to see you back online. Just now had a call with Amazon.in and they promised me to resolve the issue ASAP. Let's see how fast is Amazon in this. I have stressed the word 'Sentimetally Attached' thrice in that call.
Take Care,
Nice to see you back online.

Yes, the former computer is now, essentially, toast. It took me a while to get the new one going but fortunately I was able to do a good backup of my files before the old one totally failed. And I have been online for a couple of weeks now, but just hadn't run across your posts in that time.

Good luck with Amazon and the parts issue. Finding the battery probably won't be that tough. Finding out how to replace it? That's another story.
I haven't gotten into Kindle's yet, I either read the physical book or have really started to enjoy Audible/audio books.
Love how I can 'read a book' while driving somewhere and any other dead time.
My wife tried one very reluctantly, when her daughter gave her one as a gift years ago. Now she may as well have it sewn onto her arm; she's always got it with her. She'll bust it out and read if she has to wait anywhere for anything.
Please buy one. Always worth. I bought mine 12 years ago. Never regretted it for that purpose. But I hated it for the first whole month because of its size and looks. Now it's better than my half 😁
Got mine as a gift a couple of years ago and love it. It's the ease of reading that I like, not sure if its the back lighting or the fonts. But it's surprising good.

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