XML Custom Ribbon Not Appearing On Reports


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:42
Sep 22, 2014

Below is an XML ribbon I'm attempting to use for reports in my database. I have already selected this ribbon in the settings for each report. The reports are opening in an On_Click event in acViewReport, acDialog mode.

For some reason, this ribbon is not appearing when I open reports. Is there anything that leaps out at you as incorrect? I am a total beginner with XML Custom UI Ribbons.

Appreciate any assistance you can provide! Thanks :)

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui"
    onLoad="OnRibbonLoad" loadImage="LoadImages">
       <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <button idMso="FileOpenDatabase" visible="false" />
            <button idMso="FileNewDatabase" visible="false" />
            <splitButton idMso="FileSaveAsMenuAccess" visible="false" />
     <tab id="MyReport" label="Report Print and View Options">
        <group idMso="GroupPrintPreviewPrintAccess" />
        <group idMso="GroupPageLayoutAccess" />
        <group idMso="GroupZoom" />
        <group idMso="GroupSortAndFilter" />
        <group id="ListCommands" label="Print">
           <button idMso="FilePrintQuick" keytip="q" size="large"/>
           <button idMso="PrintDialogAccess"
                   label="Print Dialog"
                   keytip="d" size="large"/>
        <group id="Close" keytip="x" label="Close">
           <button idMso="PrintPreviewClose"  size="large"/>
           <button idMso="WindowClose" size="large" visible="true" />
           <button idMso="MasterViewClose" size="large" visible="true" />

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