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I responded to a political post and was rejected. i tried to localize and extract the offending words. I simply write "Agreed" and i am rejected. Both post and i am censored. This is a privately run board and i support that you have every right but Isn't that a bit overboard? i can’t reiteratively define each instance of offence to properly edit when not given the opportunity to localize.
Regarding your report about Ethan Fuller's graphic post...

I agree it was silly to post, it WAS in the Gaming section. We have allowed other unusual images in non-Access forums. He is showing us his avatar source. If he posts something useful, fine. If he gets bored and goes away, that works too. We will watch for more malicious or commercially oriented posts.
I think I was just fed up with silliness. I'll be less touchy, if possible.
A touch of "touchiness" isn't a bad thing, and you keep it civil. Heck, I'm probably touchier than you sometimes.
Hi again,
I am retired but I take the occasional job if it looks interesting. I know something about the business your app models so I might be able to help you. If you care to share the schema and the FE so I can examine the code, I'll give you an estimate of how long I think the conversion will take and tell you my hourly rate.
What exactly does this criteria do
Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),1,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),12,31)
Looks for dates in the current year.
Could have just checked against Year() on dates and Date()

This not the place to ask questions either. Should use the appropriate forum.

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