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Hi Dave. Just tried to post a question on the VBA section and got a message saying it could not be posted because it may be spam etc. Any guesses?
Hello my dear teacher DHookom
Can I divide the categories into several tables. For example, stationery - devices - sports equipment
Is there another way other than creating multiple tables and what is it? Please provide an example and I will be grateful 🌹 🌹
Crossposting in Profile Posts. :(

That is a first. :)
Howdy - I'm a long-time-ago programmer from the planet named Florida. I haven't done much with Access since 2007, so I'm pretty rusty and I ask dumb questions. Usually I'll be able to find answers on my own, but I'm old and mentally slower now, so please bear with meas I try to wake up my little gray cells.
(I didn't want to write in the thread because this is tangential)
> You may not be able to append an autonumber to a SQL server autonumber field though.
Yes you can, using SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON
Hi Crystal, I've mucked this up. I forgot there was no data in it. I was waiting until I got things right but thats no excuse. I'll put some sample data in it and re post it tomorrow. That's the best I can do.
Hi @arnelgp, I find your help for @Mercy Mercy here
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Sorry, I don't have permission to write more than 420 characters, so I reduced my message to small parts, sorry If this bothers you.
You should start a new thread. :(

However look at the WHERE parameter of the OpenReport command.
I will post a new thread, thank you for your attention.
Not sure if you were able to create the Add-In for the VB Beautifier. I faced an error while using it.

1. At Nz(strChangedLine. so I deleted the line to proceed, as the Procedure or Function was not found.
2. You may need to change the declaration "Dim mod1 As Module to CodeModule", the same for any references in sub Procedures or Functions.

With these corrections, it worked well. Thought it might help others.
Dear arnelgp, warm wishes to you on the Christmas!
I was lucky to have you help me 2 years ago.
Now I posted the subject
Hope you read this and give me a hand, thank sir.
if you can "show" the supposed pdf to create (what info is in the pdf).
also can you post a sample db with same table you want to create pdf, individually.
Here my sample db, thank you for your attention.
I mean I posted on the thread
Did you see my previous message?
Yeah, I "think" I'm good now... I have a lot of clean-up to do but, at least I'm learning how to do it the right way!!
If you want to chat then contact me on my Skypename: Live:mike.s23
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