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KitaYama...please send me a PM. I have a question for you.
@NauticalGent Sorry for a stupid question. How can I send a PM? When I click your name or avatar, I don't see any send a PM. I also checked my settings, I couldn't find anything to disable or enable PM.
Strange. I tried to send you one but it wasn't an option.
Strange. I tried to send you one but it wasn't an option.

Makes sure the " Start Conversation" in your settings is set to "Nobody"

Help with Mocks

If you can send me a zipped copy of the database I will take a look for you.

Send to me at:-

My Email is: mike.s23 at (Replace at with @)


When one comes up against the woman from across the pond and slags me off, it gives impetus to the abused person. So I knckled down and have resolved the problem myself. Goodbye all.
They call that tough love. :)
Hi arnelgp,
How could I copy and paste all records from one table to another.? yesterday, you helped me with resetting HSE incident count. After I having it done, the orginal table need to updated. If I have to use update the records, what shall be the parameter? Alternatively, is there any way where I can copy all records and paste into original table, using a macro or query?
Good morning or afternoon, depending on your location. I am new to this site and very new to MS Access. I joined this site as a resource of information and to improve my capabilities with MS Access.
@lhk You do realise these conversations are not private?
Yes I agree, but this was specefic to arnelgp, because discussion was on his vba module. I did not want to get unnecessary involved every body.
If it was specific to arnelgp, why send the same message to moke123 & myself?
Notice that, until now, none of us responded here.
Personally, I'd recommend using a private message AKA conversation instead
Hello, barbersmurf. We noted your report of being unable to post in a particular thread in "Modules & VBA" - which SHOULD allow a post to any normal user. We are investigating.

However, you are a very new user and we DO have some restrictions on what new users can do. By any chance, did you attempt to upload something as an attachment? Because that is one of the restrictions.
DB Guy, you helped me once before. I am having a strange issue when sending sms messages from access. One user has an android phone and the other user has an Iphone 11. One provider is Tmobile and the other is Verizon.

It is like the Iphone cannot accept the same lines of text as android.

Any Ideas?
I ran into an issue when sending a text message in Access. I have T-Mobile and the suffix is correct. I have another user who has Verizon. I am sending some fields based on a form in access as a text message. I am getting all of the fields in my text message, but the Verizon user is not getting all of the fields. Do you have any ideas?

Hi Snow-Raven
If you want to make contact regarding themes please do. I have been working with Themes for years and they will solve your problem.
I am new so can't post any links yet. I have a free ThemeMaker that allows you to easily create new themes. I also have an add-in that makes all the property changes required to use themes.
Thanks, Peter! I really appreciated your constructive feedback on my thread! I admit, I have not gone back to it as some of the argument was irrelevant to my original question.
I think I'm set for what I was trying to fix, as I had already written the code to update all of my forms. The part I was stuck on was why it was no longer following system colors. Of course, the real answer is that Windows 10 themes don't update the old system colors, so referring to them no longer works. I built a color table with vba codes for themes that will work for my current purpose of keeping everyone happy.
I might look more closely at the Access themes in the future to allow users more customization, and will definitely refer back to your plugin when I do! Thanks so much for providing useful information and being willing to share your valuable knowledge.
I joined recently as isladogs thought I could make a contribution to a "System color theory". I wanted to add a link to a download for my Free TMDThemeMaker but the post was refused. What is the method for adding links?
You can check who I am with isladogs or, this afternoon, with Crystal Long (strive4peace). Are YouTube links also a problem?

Вот где бы мы ещё встретились ...
только на ... !!!
SHANEMAC51, you sent a message in Russian to a member Eugene-LS but he does not read or speak Russian. It may seem unfair to mention this, but most of the forum's members are native English users and do not speak your language. I know you are sending from Russia using your native language - and that's perfectly OK - but please take your audience into consideration when you post.
I was sending a message to Eugene-LS, not to you
Eugenel - Russian, from Russia
Yes, but he reported it. As a moderator, I have to at least look to reports. It is between the two of you at this point.
I know Evgeny from Russian forums, I'm also a moderator on one of them
я тоже отправилась на поиски новых вопросов

I also went in search of new questions
I was interested in how to provide a solution using ACCESS because it a rather complex question and I love a challenge and have been working on it. If you are still interested in a solution using ACCESS, please let me know. Thank you.

Hi MajP Thanks for showing me this trick! Can I do this in about 3 hours time as I am looking after my grandkids right now and about to have dinner with them, hope that's OK, I'm really looking forward to the session (hopefully it won't be too late for you by then?) otherwise can we make it same time as this, tomorrow? Hope you are OK with this EdKM
the last client I have was in Australia, that was last year.
also a member of, and
not so old as the rest here.
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