Question: Totals/Trending by category and other types


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:58
Feb 16, 2011

I am currently getting back into the world of programing and access. I used to do some stuff in C++, Java, and VBA a while back(10yrs ago) and now have a project at hand I am working. My coding skills are a little rusty, but i have a high knowledge of how to do things and can work through the details. I have setup the basic forms and tables I want, and the relationships. Essentially, it will be an error tracking database to be able to trend weak spot areas. The issue I am running into is trying to get a count of errors by type, say category or carrier, or a combined item, root cause and category.

I could create a query for each category, then count it, but the category list will not be static, as I have made it so categories can be added. How do I make it so my queries are dynamic enough to account for taking into consideration adding additional items(category, root cause, carrier). I was wondering if anyone had any insight. Thanks.

(Note: I briefly read over how to ask a question and other stickies, etc, and hopefully i am asking in the appropriate manner!)


Just curious why in have
Associate and not EmployeId
Carrier and not CarrierId
Category and not CatId
RootCause and not RootId
In your table issues just have Group by and Count to get aggregate totals in queries
In your table issues just have Group by and Count to get aggregate totals in queries

Good question. From a business level, its labelled associate as it encompasses a wide variety of employees. That was the preferred label. Employee is based upon an actual company ID given to each person, and is called Employee ID. I have thought about switching it to make it more consistent, but then the data terms don't match the business. Not a huge deal, but thats why.

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