MS Access :Export Table to Multiple Excel Files.


New member
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Today, 07:07
Mar 24, 2011
Hi, New to VB.:confused: but Learning fast.

I have a database with 2mil+ records in it, about 8 columns.

I need to create a Module that I can link to a button that will export the records into excel, when the max records for the spreadsheet is reached it needs to overflow into a new spreadsheet. It needs to keep looping until all data have been exported to excel.

I am using MS Access 2007.

Please assist, Thank you.
Why open a new workbook when you can start a new worksheet?
No, what he said was spreadsheet, a more common name for a workbook. A worksheet is a tabbed page in a workbook/spreadsheet.
Thanks for the response.

The reason I need it separately is because of the amount of records, The database is currently at 3 million records but will be growing to about 6 million in the next month or so.

I am really open to options, if it will keep populating into a new sheet in the workbook and automatically create a new workbook when the current one is full, then all is good.

Basically I just need a way to export the 3-6 million records to excel.

Thanks a million.
IN total I have 4 million records I need to export, what do you think will work the best and what code do I need.
Are you going to be doing anything with the records when you have exported them?
Thanks for the reply,

Once the records are exported they will be given to different data processors. I am unclear as to what they will be doing with the data, at the moment it’s just a headache exporting over 3 million records.
I have a file in the C Drive called Access In Port, I have the code to compile them all into the table. Once in the Table I have different queries to run and adjust the data. When done with the data I need to export them again so I created a folder called Access Export in the C drive. This is where I am stuck.

So in sort, I receive a load of excel files all in the same format, I then in port and work with the data, when done I need to export it and give it to different data processors.

Thank you for the help so far.
What version of Access\Excel are you using?

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