for each loop...I think


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 02:38
Jul 7, 2011
is it possible to do something like this?

for each record in a table
if table1.field = table2.field then update table1.field2 = yes
else next record

I've been looking through the MS help and it doesn't really tell me much, using access 2010

if so, how would I go about doing this?
Thank you
Why not just do it in a query?
IIF([Field1] = [Field2], "Yes", Null)
You shouldn't storing this value.
Why not just do it in a query?
IIF([Field1] = [Field2], "Yes", Null)
You shouldn't storing this value.

just keeps saying expected =

so I was thinking something like this:

   If (DoCmd.RunSQL("SELECT master.[asset number], desttable.[asset number] FROM master, desttable WHERE master.[asset number] = desttable.[asset number];")) Then
   DoCmd.RunSQL ("UPDATE master.[destroyed] = Yes;")

but that isn't working either :( says argument not optional
Like I previously mentioned, you should not be storing calculated values. The IIF() statement shhould go in a new column in your SELECT query (not UPDATE query).

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