Rank in a report

And so you did! My mind must be playing tricks on me. Apologies!

That would require some coding. I will let you know later (if somebody else doesn't chime in before that).
You do not have to Apologie. I appreciate very much that you are trying to help me.
And I know that my English is not so good ...... I would appreciate it if you try again!
... That would require some coding. I will let you know later (if somebody else doesn't chime in before that).

You called? :D

The function getRanking() in the attached database should do what I think you are after as long as the Scores are sorted from largest to smallest.


Thank you!
I have now put it into my database, but I get this message: "Undefined function getRanking in the expression"!!

SELECT Kl1Lær1.Navn, Kl1Lær1.Speilnr, Kl1Lær1.Dommer1kl1, Kl1Lær1.Dommer2kl1, Kl1Lær1.Dommer3kl1, Kl1Lær1.Sum, getRanking([Sum],"Descending") AS Ranking
FROM Kl1Lær1
Did you copy the function getRanking() from the Module in my database to a module in yours?

It is not a built in function, it's actually something that I wrote for you and it needs to be placed into a Module. Here is the code if you want to cut and paste it.

Public Function getRanking(ByVal theScore As Long, Optional theDirection As String = "Desc")
Static oldScore As Long, theRanking As Long, thePosition As Long, usePositionInstead As Boolean
' theScore: These should be a set of sorted scores
' theDirection: are the Scores Ascending or Descending? Default is Descending

theDirection = LCase(Left(theDirection, 1))
If theRanking < 0 Then theRanking = 0

If thePosition < 0 Then thePosition = 0

' If theDirection is Descending and the Score is lower than the previous then goto NoReset
' If theDirection is Ascending and the Score is higher than the previous then goto NoReset
If (theDirection = "d") And (oldScore >= theScore) Then GoTo NoReset
If (theDirection = "a") And (oldScore <= theScore) Then GoTo NoReset

' If theDirection is Descending and the Score is higher than the previous then reset the variables
' If theDirection is Ascending and the Score is lower than the previous then reset the variables
thePosition = 0
theRanking = 0
' Set usePositionInstead = false
usePositionInstead = False

' Update thePosition
thePosition = thePosition + 1

If oldScore <> theScore Then
' If the OldScore is not the same as theScore then
'   Make oldScore = theScore
'   Update the ranking
    oldScore = theScore

' Increment theTarnking
    theRanking = theRanking + 1

' If usePositionInstead is true then make theRanking = thePosition instead
    If usePositionInstead Then theRanking = thePosition

' Set usePositionInstead = false
    usePositionInstead = False

' Don't increment theTarnking
    theRanking = theRanking + 0
' Set usePositionInstead = true
    usePositionInstead = True

End If

' Set getRanking = theRanking
getRanking = theRanking
End Function
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Now I have copyed the Module into my database, and it seems to work!!
I will test it little bit more, and I will give you a reply!
Thank you both!
After a lot of testing....it is PERFECT!!
Thank you both!
Glad to help.

Just make sure you do a manual check if you have to give away large amounts of prize money to any winners. :D ;)
I will! :) Thank you!
Maby I can send the bill to you? hehehe :)

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