Unbound and Bound, Old and new data.


Registered User.
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Today, 20:56
Feb 29, 2012
Hi all, i have just started using access i have little knowledge of it so far but have had help from google setting up. The one thing i have been un able to solve is as follows:
I have a form that called "Front screen" it uses the "serial No#" of an instrument to search for previous data. Now i would like to be able to fill in the rest of the data and save back to that record. So i have a few unbound txt boxes that use DLookUp to search for the previous data using the "Serial No#" txt box as a point of reference. The other boxes are bound to the instrument Database table.

The reason for this is that the data that uses the DlookUp is entered when the instrument comes in and the bound data on the "Front Screen" is entered at a later date.

Firstly does this make sense, secondly is this possible, thirdly can anyone help me.

Thanks in advance


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I'd love to help you (I'm trying to help as many people as I can today in hopes that the good karma will help me get my question answered by some all-knowing access expert), but I'm not sure I understand your question. I'm having a difficult time imagining what this form of yours looks like. Do you type in a serial # and then hit search? Or do you select serial # from a list/combobox?

What kind of "previous data" are you searching for? What previous data do your unbound text boxes display?

What I imagine is that you've got an instrument table with serial # as primary key (or just unique, required field) and you're trying to call up a given record from the instrument table based on its serial number so that you can edit that record. In that case, you only need one unbound control -- a "go to record" combo box. The combo box wizard will help you set it up. All other controls should be bound to your instruments table.

Or maybe I misunderstood your question?
I just attached the DB to the thread so that might help a little, but what u have already said seems right so i will give that a go. i am sort of just trying to chop and change a microsoft template. thanks for the help i will let u know how i go.

Hope the Karma thing work too.
Hey mate this is going to sound really bad but all i can see is "Combo Box Form Control", "list Box Form Control" and "Subform/Subreport". But keeps coming up as a list. The previous data is date, equipment No, Notification, unit type, id, sap id, hrs, a few check boxes and the serial No#.
So all that information is put into the data base at the start via the new instrument form, then what i want is to be able to search via the Serial No# on the Front screen form and fill in the data that was previously stated (all ready in the data base). Then i want to be able to input the rest of the information into the same row on that same Front Screen form.
what version of Access are you using?

I'm using Access 2010 and when I add a combo box to a form I automatically see the combo box wizard.

You don't see anything like that?


  • dialog.png
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Yeah that is what i got, i just selected the wrong thing on the wizard(the picture u posted)
Access will create a combo box with code behind it like this:

Private Sub cboGoTo_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_cboGoTo_AfterUpdate
    ' Find the record that matches the control.
    Dim rs As Object

    Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
    rs.FindFirst "[AcctID] = " & Str(Nz(Me![cboGoTo], 0))
    If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
    Me.cboGoTo = Null
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_cboGoTo_AfterUpdate
End Sub
but it'll be serial # instead of AcctID. Or maybe Access will use a macro now, I don't know. That code came from a previous version. Anyway, all you need to do is put a combo box on your form and follow the steps in the wizard
Yeah that is what i got, i just selected the wrong thing on the wizard(the picture u posted)

OK. That explains it. So if you select the last option it should be pretty straight forward
Ok so that works but it is still a drop down menu, it gives me a list of the Serial No#
Thanks mate, that worked a treat. Mate thanks heaps for that..... I feel a promotion coming my way.

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