E-cigarettes aka Personal Vaporizers


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 15:55
Dec 26, 2002
Is anyone using these? I just started getting into them to replace a smoking habit that has gotten out of control. I hate smelling like smoke and coughing in the morning. Since I've switched to these, I can breathe again, still get my nicotine, and not smell like smoke.

Basically a PV (personal vaporizer) uses a battery controlled attomizer to heat liquid to a vapor, allowing you to breathe it in. The vaporizing ingredient of the liquid is the same for most fog machines, so it's been proven relatively harmless on a much greater scale to breathe and be saturated in. There are both nicotine and non-nicotine varieties and flavors in everything from fruit, tobacco, alcohol, to even kung pao chicken. :D I've only trie Cherry and Menthol so far, but I have only smoked 1 cigarette all day. These seem to be satisfying my need for nicotine and my hand-to-mouth motion/habit. I've already noticed I am breathing easier. :)

I highly recommend everyone who smokes and wants to stop or fears the health effects, but still wants the nicotine, to look into them. You can read all about them on http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/ in the library section, there is a 6 part section that goes over everything from varities to mechanics.

I'm also a geek, so I consider this my new gadget/toy. You know boys and their toys! :D
Saw a movie years ago where a killer also used an atomiser.
He got all excited when shooting at someone and got out of synch with shooting and puffing with the result he shoot himself in the mouth just after squirting his victim.

Good luck with the gadget and lets hope it does the job.:)

In time, if they prove popular, it will be taxed heavily:eek:
Saw a movie years ago where a killer also used an atomiser.
He got all excited when shooting at someone and got out of synch with shooting and puffing with the result he shoot himself in the mouth just after squirting his victim.

Good luck with the gadget and lets hope it does the job.:)

In time, if they prove popular, it will be taxed heavily:eek:

Not likely, as it'll be a much harder thing to regulate. The components are easily purchased individually and from overseas. :D
A number of the Players in a Public Gaming League that I belong to have started "smoking" a product with the name BLU that sounds similar to what you are describing. One thing that I have found interesting is that despite the laws in my area against smoking indoors, no one has tried to prevent them from "smoking" inside the restaurants and bars where we play. The argument as I understand it, has been that the byproduct of the device is plain water vapor, and that all of the Nicotine goes into the smoker. Even the Menthol flavored ones seem to have no odor.

Not being a smoker myself, I have no personal ideas or opinions on the subject, but I wonder if anyone has determined how much less harmful (if at all) these cigarettes are to the smpker and the people around him/her.
A number of the Players in a Public Gaming League that I belong to have started "smoking" a product with the name BLU that sounds similar to what you are describing. One thing that I have found interesting is that despite the laws in my area against smoking indoors, no one has tried to prevent them from "smoking" inside the restaurants and bars where we play. The argument as I understand it, has been that the byproduct of the device is plain water vapor, and that all of the Nicotine goes into the smoker. Even the Menthol flavored ones seem to have no odor.

Not being a smoker myself, I have no personal ideas or opinions on the subject, but I wonder if anyone has determined how much less harmful (if at all) these cigarettes are to the smpker and the people around him/her.

Yes, BLU is a brand of PVs. This isn't smoking, which is why it's not banned indoors. There is no smoke involved. The vapor is exactly the same vapor used in fog machines, which is harmless to humans. There was a study done years ago on the effects of the vapor, they kept monkeys and rats in an environment SATURATED in the chemical for 18 months. After the 18 months, there was no difference detected between them and the control group in similar conditions without the chemical. Of course, inhaling a little vapor throughout the day is a far cry less than being saturated in it, so I think we're relatively safe. Most people who have started using them have reported the ability to breathe again and exercise without as many problems.

There is no tar and no added cancerous chemicals, because it's not smoke! There are health organizations with world-famous doctors ready to fight the FDA if they try to ban them because they don't line the pockets of the cigarette companies that make the government money. Comparison pictures show nothing but moisture in the vapor coming from the person's mouth. After just one day, I am breathing easier. :)
Yes, BLU is a brand of PVs. This isn't smoking, which is why it's not banned indoors. There is no smoke involved. The vapor is exactly the same vapor used in fog machines, which is harmless to humans. There was a study done years ago on the effects of the vapor, they kept monkeys and rats in an environment SATURATED in the chemical for 18 months. After the 18 months, there was no difference detected between them and the control group in similar conditions without the chemical. Of course, inhaling a little vapor throughout the day is a far cry less than being saturated in it, so I think we're relatively safe. Most people who have started using them have reported the ability to breathe again and exercise without as many problems.

There is no tar and no added cancerous chemicals, because it's not smoke! There are health organizations with world-famous doctors ready to fight the FDA if they try to ban them because they don't line the pockets of the cigarette companies that make the government money. Comparison pictures show nothing but moisture in the vapor coming from the person's mouth. After just one day, I am breathing easier. :)

I would be interested in reading about additional research, since I know a number of people that I would like to get to stop smoking, and this seems like it could as good a way as any, unless there are side effects that make it as bad as or worse than regular smoking. So far that seems not to be the case.
How does the cost compare to smoking cigarettes ?

I guess these products can be Advertised as opposed to the competitor product.

The tobacco companies marketing people must have a file on this by now.
How does the cost compare to smoking cigarettes ?

I guess these products can be Advertised as opposed to the competitor product.

The tobacco companies marketing people must have a file on this by now.

It would appear at first glance that they would be cheaper to smoke than regualr cigarettes. The following was copied from the BLU web site http://www.blucigs.com/. The Web Site has additional information that I did not post (please feel free to go there if you are interested), but it does not address issues like safety studies, and lifespan of the parts (atomizer, etc).

I have been aware of these for a little less than a year now, and I am sure that the Tobacco Companies are aware of them as well.
[B][URL="http://www.blucigs.com/starter-kits"][COLOR=#0000ff]Starter Kits[/COLOR][/URL][/B]

[*]1 pack, holds 5 cartridges and charges your batteries on the go!
[*]1 electronic cigarette battery & and 1 spare battery
[*]1 atomizer & 1 spare atomizer
[*]1 wall charger & 1 USB charger
[*]25 FREE cartridges in the strength of your choice (equals over 150 cigarettes!)
[*]30 day money back guarantee and one year warranty.
[COLOR=#0096d0][B]Only $59.95[/B][/COLOR]

Yes, much cheaper than regular cigarettes. The batteries and atomizers must be replaces through wear, but the cartridges can be refilled with eliquid, which is dirt cheap and comes in hundreds of flavors. You'll pay $5-$10 for a 10ml bottle which will definitely last a long time. Considering the heavy tax on smokers, it's a steal.
This type of product can bring back "smoking" as a fashion accessory like in the old movies.

No more scary messages on your cigy packet and matching colour to your outfit of the day.

I don't smoke but have friends who could use this.

Lets hope they are not Regulated to avoid the Smoking habit.

Wouldn't put it past Big Tobacco to be in the ear of regulators if they felt there was a chance.
Oh, they already are. The FDA is already all over it, trying to quiet it and ban it before word gets out. I'm just trying to get word out so more people can oppose it. Of course the FDA hasn't approved it, but they haven't approved any cigarettes either. But since the government makes so much money off of cigarettes, they are allowed to slide. It's BS.
Oh, they already are. The FDA is already all over it, trying to quiet it and ban it before word gets out. I'm just trying to get word out so more people can oppose it. Of course the FDA hasn't approved it, but they haven't approved any cigarettes either. But since the government makes so much money off of cigarettes, they are allowed to slide. It's BS.

That is one of the reasons that I was looking for Scientific evidence as to whether these "Electronic Cigarettes" were ( A: As bad as, B: The Same as, or C: Worse Than ) regular cigarettes. So far I have not found anything. I would think that if there were proof in favor or against, that someone would be using it for their own purposes.
That is one of the reasons that I was looking for Scientific evidence as to whether these "Electronic Cigarettes" were ( A: As bad as, B: The Same as, or C: Worse Than ) regular cigarettes. So far I have not found anything. I would think that if there were proof in favor or against, that someone would be using it for their own purposes.

Lots of reading can be done here...


I was trying to find the articles I read that described some of the scientific studies that had been done. There are quite a few of them posted there.
So Vass, are you still using these? I was trying to decide whether to suggest them to a couple of people that I know. Both have suffered health issues due to prolonged smoking, and one in particular is showing beginning stages of COPD.
I am and have seriously cut back on actual smoking. I do still smoke every now and then, but can breathe much easier, even after the first day. I'd highly recommend it as it satisifies both the nicotine need and the mouth/hand need. One thing I must stress though, if they do decide to try it, start with a low-containing nicotine liquid. They can be a lot stronger than cigarettes since people tend to draw more in with these AND vape more often. This will prevent any sickness from too much nicotine. If they feel like they are not getting enough, they can then move on to something stronger.
if you replace smoking with these vaporisers, aren't you damaging the body the same way?
How you going with these? I bought one around 3 months ago - have hardly used it. I smoke around 25 a week. Usually when I go out and have a beer etc , havent managed to swop those cigs for the e cig yet.
Would be so much easier to dispense with the nicotine addiction, it is really not as hard to quit as the excuses made seem to tell. You just need to have control and will power.
Would be so much easier to dispense with the nicotine addiction, it is really not as hard to quit as the excuses made seem to tell. You just need to have control and will power.

That's not entirely true. Some people have a stronger hold on addictions than others. There was actually a study that found a certain genetic trait that makes some people more likely to be addicted to nicotine than others. Unfortunately, that same study found that those with this trait were also more likely to develop lung cancer.

Not all addictions are purely mental. Some are very physical. I've seen someone actually have a seizure while attempting to quit smoking cold turkey. It's not so easy on everyone.
Unfortunately, my laziness made me go back to smoking when my atomizer went out. I'll knock this habit one day.

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