pop menu on mouse right clic


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:45
Feb 11, 2013
hi all

please i need the way for making a popup menu on the right clic of the mouse inside a form

so when i pree right mouse button i will have my list with my commands

please help
with A2003 and earlier, you designed a standard menu, and then set it as a shortcut menu.

you can then assign the shortcut menu as a right-click menu to a form or control.

not sure how this is now done in A2007 and later, though.
yeah thats the problem because iam using acces 2010 and iam planing to get 2013 new release
i saw it in a lot of sample databases working 100% but i want to know the way
Are we saying that the attachment in this thread:-


no longer works in 2007, 2010, 2013?


I haven't tried your code out but I do know that, in 2007 at least, and I do believe it will work in 2010, the tried and true method of building the shortcut menu via two macros is still valid. One to have the commands and then other one to encapsulate that other macro using the AddMenu command. And then setting the Shortcut Menu property of the form, report, or control to the name of that 2nd macro.
Thanks Bob.

It would be nice to know if the code still works in versions after 2003.

I hope it’s not another one of those things where the latter versions are not backward compatible.

My digging around has found that these menus created in A2003 do work in A2007 on wards. However it seems that one can not longer use the same method in A7 onward. The solution that I came across says to use A2003 to create the menus and then import them into A2007+.

Whilst this may work it does not really answer the question of how to create these menus in A2007+. Personally I'm surprised that there is not a easy way to do these very useful pop up menus.

I am still looking...
You can create new menus in Access 2007 just as you could in 2003. 2010 may not be the same and I have not had opportunity to try yet. But I have created menus in Access 2007 the old way as I described earlier.

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