Help!!! Combo Box with list, but I need a checkbox with the list


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Today, 09:25
May 22, 2013
I have a combo box, with 3 columns. I have a list of names in one column, position in another, and I want another column for a check box. That way on the drop down of this combo box, I want to be able to select multiple names in the combo box by checking the box by their name, and then clicking "OK" when I am done to store the selection. I know it can be done because I have seen it before. Is anyone able to help me on this?:banghead:
From what I understand, something like this would only be possible with a multi-value field, the use of which nobody on here is likely to advocate. The better way would be to have a junction table and use a continuous subform to enter multiple values in separate combo boxes.

I may be wrong or I may not be fully understanding what you want to do.
New Picture (2).jpg This is what I want to do, I just don't know how to do it.
The only thing close to what you want to do is to use a multi-select list box which would let you highlight all of the names that you want to process. (No check boxes)
Hmm.. it is definitely possible because that picture i put on there is from the current database I am working on, so I know it can be done. Just not sure how.
A multiple value field will look like that but it is not something you should do.

I don't get it: if you have an example in your current database, then why don't you look closely at it to see how it is done in that example? I bet that if you look at the field in the table in design view, Allow Multiple Values will be set to yes.

Your picture is so tiny by the way that only Tinkerbell could see it.
Your picture is so tiny by the way that only Tinkerbell could see it.

Haha, I know:p. I didn't create the other one. The person that did, no longer works here. I can't see anything in the properties that is making it do that, and if I copy it and use it in another form the checkbox is gone. If I copy and use it in the same form, it is still functional. It is puzzling.
I created something that I think is what you are looking for. Ihope this helps.:)


...I know it can be done. Just not sure how...
You've been told by two different people how! You need to use a multiple value field which, as you've also been told, few people here would suggest!

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