No Current Record (3021) Error


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:54
Aug 14, 2014
Hi There,
I get this error when I delete more than one record consecutively.
Here is my delete code;
Private Sub Komut98_Click()
Dim blnLast As Boolean
    'MsgBox call must return the value in order to be checked.
    'If user says no then cancelling is not required.  It is only required
    '  that the deletion command is not invoked.
    If MsgBox(Prompt:="Bu kaydı silmek istediğinizden eminmisiniz?" _
            , Buttons:=vbYesNo Or vbQuestion _
            , Title:="Deleting Record") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    'At this point it's clear we need to delete the record.
    'Using With Me is a more efficient approach to object usage.
    With Me
        'Remember for later if record is last.
        blnLast = (.CurrentRecord = .Recordset.RecordCount)
        Call .Recordset.Delete
        'Only step back if deleted record was the last.
        If blnLast Then Call DoCmd.GoToRecord(Record:=acPrevious)
    End With
End Sub
Thank You...
I think you need to requery the form, after you delete a record.
I think you need to requery the form, after you delete a record.
No, it did not work, I tried adding Me.Requery
If blnLast Then Call DoCmd.GoToRecord(Record:=acPrevious)
You are assuming that the record pointer by itself moves to some other record after you delete the current record. That is not so.
You are assuming that the record pointer by itself moves to some other record after you delete the current record. That is not so.
Well, what to do? What should I do?
Can anybody help me to code this;

  1. Navigate to the next record
  2. Capture the EventID value
  3. Navigate back to the "current" record
  4. Delete the current record
  5. Send a "message" from frmEventDetail to frmViewEventHistoryList. The "message" (typically, a call to a public procedure on frmViewEventHistoryList) contains the EventID value (as an argument to that public procedure).
  6. Finish closing frmEventDetail.

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