Negotiating with my manager

I can imagine - its like having a new partner move into your house and then change the locks on you. Absolutely disgusting.
Voice of experience?


Actually No , I have been with my Partner since I was in school - and no she has never changed the locks on me - I wouldn't be surprised if you lived on your own for the same reason.
Actually No , I have been with my Partner since I was in school - and no she has never changed the locks on me - I wouldn't be surprised if you lived on your own for the same reason.

So your statement was just another of your wild fantasies?

I can't fathom the reason you say Col might be living on his own, the same reason as what?

For the record Col has been the carer for his very sick wife for many years as anybody who has been on here for more than 5 minutes would know. It is best not to sling personal abuse.

Apologies to ALC , I should not have posted as the thread has been hijacked.

So your statement was just another of your wild fantasies?

I can't fathom the reason you say Col might be living on his own, the same reason as what?

For the record Col has been the carer for his very sick wife for many years as anybody who has been on here for more than 5 minutes would know. It is best not to sling personal abuse.


First of all - Brian - How was I to know? Thank you for the information Brian I didn't say he did live on his own, I just said it wouldn't surprise me... The reason being his constant attitude :D.

Second - he shouldn't do it himself, and as it seems, all you try and do is correct grammatical errors and throw forward a perceived attitude towards me even if you do not intend to.

Finally - Another one of my fantasies? If you are not aware Brian, Its called a hypothesis for a reason. Could be true or may not be. Throwing forward the words like fantasies just show your arrogance towards hearing other peoples opinions :) maybe change the way you talk to people before posting too Brian :rolleyes:
Crap like this is sometimes referred to as corporate psychopathy (or at least corporate sociopathy). Try to keep it in perspective - you are better off not there.
Anybody know how ALC is doing? Has he found another job yet?
Thanks for the interest, Scott.

Current state of play is I'm still unemployed. I seem to be overqualified for the simpler jobs, underqualified for the more advanced jobs, and getting no response from the ones I`m perfectly suited for. Thankfully, the wife has a good job and I did have sense enough to put a bit aside (given the nature of contracting) to cover me for a while. Recruitment here slowed right down over Christmas, but I'm hoping something will come up soon.

As an update to the story from the old place:
- Wednesday, Nov 12th I gave in my two week's notice early, so I could finish on the 26th of November. The manager was constantly standing over me looking to see what I was doing and the mood was just too depressing.
- Friday, Nov 21st I received a two line email saying
We've decided that Monday, 24th is your last day. You'll be paid until the Wednesday.

Please return all items belonging to the company (laptop, etc.)
- Monday, 24th I went in at 8:45. Manager came in at 8:50 and said nothing. At 9:15 he asked for my laptop, keys to my desk, etc. then thanked me (we had an audience) for all my help and asked me when I wanted to leave. It was 9:30 at that point. I stayed for a bit, to say goodbye to some friends, but couldn't even use the bathroom as he'd taken back my security pass.

- Wednesday, 26th his boss called me at home and said they were having one or two problems and wanted me to come back in for a day and 'help them out'. My ex-manager had told him that he didn't know enough about the database to say what was wrong but he was sure it wasn't more than a few hours work. How you can make an estimate without knowing the work escapes me, but never mind. I said I'd think about it. He got pushy and said didn't I know they were trying to meet deadlines. I said I'd think about it and hung up. Ten minutes later I called back and got his voice mail. Left a message saying that I'd never been treated the way I had been by them, so I had no interest in helping them out with any problems they might be having. Was VERY satisfying.

- January 7th I checked my bank balance and found that I still hadn`t been paid for the invoice I submitted on November 24th (usually takes 2 weeks). After a few emails back and forth with the accounts payable department, it emerged that my ex-manager hadn`t signed off on payment. The accounts dept. contacted him and he got back to me and asked for an hourly breakdown of my work as `the totals don`t reconcile`. Never been asked for one before, but I do keep one for my records, so I sent it.

- This morning I get an email saying that because I`d claimed for Tuesday, Nov 11th he was rejecting the invoice and I must submit another one. Nov 11th was a holiday here and he says he didn`t give me permission to work it. I`d worked it from home (as I did all Tuesdays) and claimed for it accordingly, after he agreed to it. HOWEVER, was a verbal agreement, so I have no way to prove it. I was working on the same thing all day AND knew noone else was in the office so didn`t send any emails to them. Nothing in writing so say I was working it, so I`ll have to write it off. Could kill someone right about now.
As you had left wouldn't it have been a new contract to do that work? You could have suggested a reasonable fee, say 50% higher than before for a short term contract.

I did consider that. Ask for more money, ask for a guarantee of at least a week, or tell them where to go. Ultimately, pride beat out finances. Perhaps I was wrong.
pride is something you will always have :), the extra money will just be spent on your next lunch :(
I was working on the same thing all day AND knew noone else was in the office so didn`t send any emails to them. Nothing in writing so say I was working it, so I`ll have to write it off.
Know the feeling - it once cost me some 160 hours of billable overtime, agreed verbally and then reneged on. I've learned my lesson and now always get authorisation in writing and keep accurate records.

As a contractor you are your own business so you need to run it like one. Your client is not your friend (I also have a policy of not doing anything significant for friends, I'd rather not have the business than risk losing a friend if something goes wrong) but a business who typically will want to keep costs to a minimum - which doesn't mean they'll be unrealistic or unfair but you shouldn't assume they will be:D

However I do think you have missed a trick - when they asked you to go back you should have said that you would want to assess the amount of work yourself before committing to how much it will cost - and then quote a higher rate because the work is short term - and ensure you build in some leeway if the work over runs.
Ultimately, pride beat out finances. Perhaps I was wrong.

No money is overrated. The biggest regrets in my life are choosing money/job over telling someone to go F themselves with a sack of pine cones.

My guess is in a year's time the regret you will have over this is not using harsher language.
Plog, I assume you mean
No, money is overrated.
I feel that two fingers full of cash trumps two empty fingers, but each to their own.
I wonder if the fact that you refused to go back and correct problems in a project that you were responsible for can enter the business community and affect future prospects. Are you asked for recommendations from previous employers, I've never been a contractor.

All these gents have posted good ideas as to what to do when fired! Wisdom on what to do comes with age and with age comes the path you will take next time. As for what I recommend:

Reach down, pull up your big boy panties, get out there and find yourself another job/contract. Show these A....Holes they cannot beat you and that they are the ones who Lost.

Good Luck!

Thanks for the update ALC.

I bet it was very therapeutic telling your old Boss where to go especially after he had been so scheming in getting you out..

I left a Blue Chip once, incidentally the last time I ever worked on Access, I had secured another Job, the Boss asked me for an Exit interview, to which I gave him one and didn't hold anything back, I knew my new job was secure so I had nothing to lose.. and very much enjoyed the satisfaction it gave me..

I hope you secure new employment soon buddy, and this time with a decent firm without all the backstabbing BS..

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