Problem with AuditTrail


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:18
Jul 28, 2016

I tried to follow Martin Greens example to implement an AuditTrail to my database. (I cannot post the link but you can find it easy using google/bing/whatever.)

At first sight everything went well, I tested the code using a test database and it worked just fine. But when I tried to use it in my existing project I encountered a problem. It seems like two of the comboboxes I use do not have an OldValue and I have no idea why. The third combobox I use works as intended.

The form I'm using is bound the a query and every control is bound aswell.

I created an example of my problem attached to this post, this is exactly the structure I'm using in my project.

I hope you're able to understand my problem, if there is anything unclear just ask.



Last edited:
Are they unbound combo boxes?

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No. All controls, including the comboboxes, are bound.
Use MsgBox to return the offending controls oldvalue, you will then see what it is.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
compact and repair.
Use MsgBox to return the offending controls oldvalue, you will then see what it is.

Sorry :banghead: I forgot to mention that it throws an error message when I try to get the OldValue:
"Run-time error ‘3251’: Operation is not supported for this type of object"

compact and repair.
Tried it, still doesn't work.

And btw: thank you for the fast responses and the help provided!
Sounds you like you are interrogating a command button or some other control that does not have an old value property.

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So it could be a label?

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By the way:-

From the ms link, this piece of code is what stops the code from interrogating controls "without" an oldvalue property.

If ctlTextbox.ControlType = acTextBox Then

So check to see if your code has something similar.

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No, the error occurs only with the two comboboxes. Also I'm checking if the control is tagged to be audited, so I can add specific controls only and not Audit the entire form. It works fine on other controls and even another combobox I added works......

Just to be sure I deleted everything and rebuild the complete form testing only the two comboboxes but I still get the same error.

Maybe you can see something I'm missing in the code:
I'm calling it in the before_update event of the form.

 [COLOR=#000080]Sub[/COLOR] AuditChanges(IDField [COLOR=#000080]As String[/COLOR])
[COLOR=#000080]    On Error GoTo[/COLOR] AuditChanges_Err
[COLOR=#000080]    Dim[/COLOR] cnn [COLOR=#000080]As[/COLOR] ADODB.Connection
[COLOR=#000080]    Dim[/COLOR] rst [COLOR=#000080]As[/COLOR] ADODB.Recordset
[COLOR=#000080]    Dim[/COLOR] ctl [COLOR=#000080]As[/COLOR] Control
[COLOR=#000080]    Dim[/COLOR] datTimeCheck [COLOR=#000080]As Date
    Dim [/COLOR]strUserID[COLOR=#000080] As String[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]    Set[/COLOR] cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
[COLOR=#000080]    Set[/COLOR] rst = [COLOR=#000080]New[/COLOR] ADODB.Recordset
[COLOR=#000080]    [/COLOR]rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblAuditTrail", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
[COLOR=#000080]    [/COLOR]datTimeCheck = Now()
    strUserID = Environ("USERNAME")
[COLOR=#000080]    For Each[/COLOR] ctl [COLOR=#000080]In[/COLOR] Screen.ActiveForm.Controls
[COLOR=#000080]        If[/COLOR] ctl.Tag = "Audit" [COLOR=#000080]Then[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]            If[/COLOR] Nz(ctl.Value) <> Nz(ctl.OldValue) [COLOR=#000080]Then[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]                With[/COLOR] rst
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR].AddNew
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR]![DateTime] = datTimeCheck
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR]![UserName] = strUserID
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR]![FormName] = Screen.ActiveForm.Name
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR]![RecordID] = Screen.ActiveForm.Controls(IDField).Value
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR]![FieldName] = ctl.ControlSource
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR]![OldValue] = ctl.OldValue
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR]![NewValue] = ctl.Value
[COLOR=#000080]                    [/COLOR].Update
[COLOR=#000080]                End With[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]            End If[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]        End If[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]    Next[/COLOR] ctl
[COLOR=#000080]    On Error Resume Next[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]    [/COLOR]rst.Close
[COLOR=#000080]    [/COLOR]cnn.Close
[COLOR=#000080]    Set[/COLOR] rst = [COLOR=#000080]Nothing[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]    Set[/COLOR] cnn = [COLOR=#000080]Nothing[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]    Exit Sub[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000080]    [/COLOR]MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR!"
[COLOR=#000080]    Resume[/COLOR] AuditChanges_Exit
[COLOR=#000080]End Sub[/COLOR]
Are the combo boxes on a subform?

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
This is Wrong, and possibly the source of corruption hence I suggest you create a new dB and form from scratch...

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
    Call AuditChanges("RechnerID")
End Sub

Should be:-
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
    Call AuditChanges("Rechner_ID")
End Sub
Actually hold the bus I'm not sure about that! Let me do some more tests...
Actually hold the bus I'm not sure about that! Let me do some more tests...

When I created a new form based on the query "qryUser_Rechner" it automatically gave the field that other name, so when I ran the code it threw up an error, making me think that was the problem, but it's just a red herring! I'm still looking will get back to you shortly...
Right I think I found the problem there is something wrong with your SQL statements in those offending combo boxes. If you try and add a new record, you can't!

You get error message:-
"cannot add records - join key of table "tblUser_Rechner" not in recordset

That's where your problem lies, it is making the combo box look like it is not bound. (I think) that's my guess anyway!!!
It might not be the SQL statements in the combobox(s) it could be your query "qryUser_Rechner" check to see if that's updateable...
I will try to update it but I don't have the time today. I'll test it tomorrow and let you know the results!

@jdraw: thanks, that is the link i couldn't use in post#1

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