SQL Insert issue?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:46
Sep 26, 2014

I usually work with DAO, but since I know SQL is faster, so I start using it. Why does this code works for me, but not to my colleague?

 CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO tblConnect (user_id) VALUES ('" & NetworkUserName & "');", dbFailOnError

I try to collect all username that connect to my database, so "On Load" event of the form, it will add their username to the linked table.

Is anything wrong with the code?

Thank you.
What error code is the failure generating? Can the other user write to that table.
What do you mean 'does not work'?
It throws an error?
It puts nothing in the table?
When I open it and I check in the tblConnect backend, it shows my network user. When someone else open it, it doesnt show their user network id.

There is no error appearing. It looks like it added, but nothing. So I did a test to msgbox to see their username On Open, the msgbox prompt their network user.

But it doesnt add to the table.
Is user_id a number field type or a text field type, (then you're applying a text to it)?
VALUES ('" & NetworkUserName & "')
Oh aha, text. I think I got why its not working. The user does not have writing access to the backend where the tblConnect is stored. Thats why it cannot write to the table.

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