Find and Replace


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Yesterday, 18:36
Aug 2, 2007
I recently did an O/S upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. Thought everything went well but then I tried MS Access and found a problem with the Find and Replace function in my form.

When I search in an address field I find that if the data in the record begins with a Number (eg 123 Anystreet) no results are returned by searching on "123 Anystreet". However, if I search with Just "Anystreet" everything shows up correctly, WITH the numbers.

Nothing changed except the Windows upgrade so I'm guessing there is some environment variable, etc which Access is using to influence the search. But I cannot find it. (which is one of the man reasons for NOT going to Windows 10 until forced into it.
Not ringing any bells with me. I wonder if you could post a sample database demonstrating the behaviour...
Unfortunately, I can't post the database as it is a company asset. And when I tried to make a subset everything works correctly. (but I don't have another Windows 8.1 system to upgrade with it.)
Unfortunately, I can't post the database as it is a company asset. And when I tried to make a subset everything works correctly. (but I don't have another Windows 8.1 system to upgrade with it.)

So deciphering your answer, you have made an example database and that works ok. You still have a problem with the main "production database" but you can't post that because it contains confidential information? Is that a correct summary of your answer?
Unfortunately that is the case. The only difference I can see is that I was not able to go through another Windows 10 upgrade wih the sample database I made. Still seems weird that a search on a character field gets blocked by numbers at the start. But that's access - great when it's working, and a pain when it's not.
I recently did an O/S upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. Thought everything went well but then I tried MS Access and found a problem with the Find and Replace function in my form.

Are you refering to the "Find and Replace" dialogue triggered by a button, or a custom function that you built ?

It is the drop down I get when I put the cursor in a text box and hit CTRL-F to do the find. The field is type-text with a length of 255. If I put the house number part of the address in the "Find What" box, no results are returned. If I just put in the street namee, I get both house number and street returned.
This database was created using Access 2003 (I know, no longer supported, etc). If I upgrade Access to latest (2016?) would I need to re-work the database to use it or would I be able to just open it with the later code?
Problem resolved. User error. They were checking off the box to "MATCH CASE".
Embarassing but at least easy to fix. Confirms once again to never listen to what an end user says, WATCH THEM DO IT!
This database was created using Access 2003 (I know, no longer supported, etc). If I upgrade Access to latest (2016?) would I need to re-work the database to use it or would I be able to just open it with the later code?

The code should work ok. It's worth-while trying, at any rate. Remove any user security stuff.


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