Form button to scan documents to file folder


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Today, 13:41
Oct 8, 2015
Is there a way to create a button on a form that will allow me to scan documents into a file folder and save the path in a field for later reference?

User clicks button > Opens a prompt to save to file > Opens default scanner interface > User scans documents which saves filepath to current record
I know it's possible, but I don't have any example for you. I just know someone here has done it before, so I'm hoping he'll see this post and jump in. Otherwise, you might also try looking into DBPix. Just a thought...
I did download DBpix but i think it wasn't what i was looking for, it was more for image management.

after scouring the net i did find this module

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Sub GetImage()
    Dim fileLocation As String
    Dim diagFile As FileDialog
    Set diagFile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
    diagFile.Title = "Save Bitmap File As..."
    diagFile.InitialFileName = "*.bmp"
    If diagFile.Show Then
        fileLocation = diagFile.SelectedItems(1)
        Dim scanDiag As Object
        Dim image As Object
        Set scanDiag = CreateObject("WIA.CommonDialog")
        Set image = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile")
'        Dim scanDiag As New WIA.CommonDialog
'        Dim image As WIA.ImageFile
        Set image = scanDiag.ShowAcquireImage()
        image.SaveFile fileLocation
    End If
End Sub

I'm calling the sub with my command button,

How would i modify the file location to a specific directory then save this to my record path?
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Hi. To specify a specific directory is easy, but what did you want to use for the filename?
[UserName] + customtext + current date

Ford Truck Insurance Papers 02.25.2019
[UserName] + customtext + current date

Ford Truck Insurance Papers 02.25.2019
Okay, in that case, you could try it this way:
Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit  

Public Sub GetImage()     

Dim fileLocation As String     
fileLocation = "c:\YourSpecificFolderNameHere\" _
         & [Username] & "CustomTextHere" & Format(Date(),"mm.dd.yyyy") & ".bmp"                  

Dim scanDiag As Object         
Dim image As Object                  

Set scanDiag = CreateObject("WIA.CommonDialog")         
Set image = CreateObject("WIA.ImageFile")         

'        Dim scanDiag As New WIA.CommonDialog 
'        Dim image As WIA.ImageFile                  

Set image = scanDiag.ShowAcquireImage()        
image.SaveFile fileLocation           

End Sub
i got the following,

External name not defined on the [UserName]

Also this button is on a subform as well as the field.
Okay, where are you executing this code from? Do you have any reference to [Username] on it? If not, you could figure it out later. For now, we just want to check if the code you found will work for you. So, try replacing (or removing) [Username] with something literal, like "Ford Truck."
Yes this worked! It did save the format incorrectly though.

Ford TruckInsurance Papers02.25.2019

The button is on the subform where the field is on click event.
Yes this worked!, it did save the format incorrectly though.

Ford TruckInsurance Papers02.25.2019
Okay, so the next step is to figure out where you'll get the information for [Username] and also just add spaces between them. For example, once you've figured it out, try:
[Username] & " CustomText " & Format(Date(),"")
Please notice the extra spaces in the middle.
So, where is Username supposed to come from?
Edit: Looks like you added this:
The button is on the subform where the field is on click event.
If so, try it this way:
Me.[Username] & " something here " & Format(Date(),"")
Congratulations! Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
One more thing. How would i save this file path to the record it was saved from so i may view it later from a form?
You could probably do something similar to your Forms!... syntax. For example:

Forms!... = fileLocation

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