what does your username mean?


Forum Troll
Local time
Today, 02:19
Oct 6, 2019
does anyone care to share this info? mine is pretty obvious - I have programmed in both languages. VBA was the first one I learned back in 1992 and when I got into the work force i worked for a small business owner that didn't want to pay for technology aside from my salary so he asked me what was free to produce a website. That's when I mentioned PHP/MYSQL.

I would be curious to get a little insight into the meanings of these guys here:


added to the list:


sorry pbaldy and pat_hartman, urs are too obvious!
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OK I'll play the game...
My dog in the photo is called Isla and there's a place in London called the Isle Of Dogs
"The_Doc_Man" comes from a conversation with a new co-worker who later became a friend. I have a Ph.D. in Chemistry (earned, not honorary), and when I started to work for the U.S. Government, the folks in the department introduced me as Dr. "H" because the government folks get all wound up about proper titles. (Don't ask me why, but I played along with them.)

Anyway, they introduced me to Dean H. (a different H) as "Doctor" and Dean's offhanded but not disrespectful reply was "Oh, the Doc man." The name appealed to me so I started using it.

Therefore, my screen name is the result of someone else's suggestion.
Sorry, but I'm simply not that imaginative. I do have a "thing" for unique user names. Fortunately, this one has proven to be mostly available. When not available, I have used Ascolais, which is really obscure. (But then the internet knows all.)
Mine is a little less obvious, but same genre as Steve R., James Bailey, James Harris....
I served in the Merchant Navy, mainly on LPG Gas Tankers.
Others in the company fleet referred to us as Gasmen.
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this is for isladog:

"ajetrumpet" possibly means "aje" for full initials and "trumpet" meaning a past history of playing the trumpet"...although the relation between the 2 usernames could still possibly be a coincidence.
Like GasMan, my name comes from my prior profession. I served 20+ years in the US Navy and one day, a young lady referred to me as a Nautical Gentleman.

I was quite taken with her so I adapted that handle for just about every thing that requires a UserName.

The young lady is no longer in my life, but the name endures...
this is for isladog:

"ajetrumpet" possibly means "aje" for full initials and "trumpet" meaning a past history of playing the trumpet"...although the relation between the 2 usernames could still possibly be a coincidence.

Trust me Adam! I worked that out long before I 'outed' you.
Mine is boring, but easy for me to remember as I get older :-)
Like GasMan, my name comes from my prior profession. I served 20+ years in the US Navy and one day, a young lady referred to me as a Nautical Gentleman.

I was quite taken with her so I adapted that handle for just about every thing that requires a UserName.

The young lady is no longer in my life, but the name endures...

I *used* to be an Officer and a Gentleman. Now just the latter. :D
this is for isladog:

"ajetrumpet" possibly means "aje" for full initials and "trumpet" meaning a past history of playing the trumpet"...although the relation between the 2 usernames could still possibly be a coincidence.

The last thing you want to do is poke the bear.
Gasman said:
I *used* to be an Officer and a Gentleman. Now just the latter

Whereas I, as a government contractor, was considered to be neither.
Dick is my nickname
during my sophmore year in high school I developed a habit of calling everyone "dick" and because of this my friend matt gave me the nickname "dick" and it stuck. To this day, all of my high school friends refer to me as DICK.

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