RegEx & Code128 barcodes & GS1


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Today, 13:41
Sep 9, 2019

I'm quite new to access (4-5 months) and RegEx.

I've searched the internet so much over past few days, tested with and I can't get it right.

I have a regex module which lets me use it in access as a function.

I have a few suppliers, and their bar codes are all different, with the GS1 identifiers in different places.

02050604029067253700000100 - Supplier 1

370091919322223002 - Supplier 2

020761303548292020031520090037801092651042d - Supplier 3

I want to capture the below

02 - GTIN of Trade Items Contained in a logistic unit - Format - n2+n14 (Always 14 digits)

Original Expression: 02(\d{14})37
Internet sourced expression: /^02(\d{14})/

10 - Batch or lot number - Format - n2+an..20 (Up to 20, but not exceed 20)

Original Expression: 10(.{6,10})$
Internet sourced expression:/^10([^\u001D]{1,20})/

11 - Production date (YYMMDD) - Format - n2+n6 (always 6 digits)

Original Expression: 11(\d{6})10
Internet sourced expression: None

15 - Best before date (YYMMDD) - Format - n2+n6 (always 6 digits)

Original Expression: 15(\d{6})[10,11]
Internet sourced expression: /^15(\d{6})/

37 - Count of trade items contained in a logistic unit - n2+n..8 (Up to 8 digits)

Original Expression: 37(\d{4,8})
Internet sourced expression: /^37(\d{1,8})/

00 - SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) - Format - n2+n18 (always 18 digits)

Original Expression: ^00\d{18}|^.{18}$
Internet sourced expression: Didn't have to find one, this one seems to work fine.

The regular expressions I had already were aimed for Supplier1, and don't seem to take into account all other combinations. (I didn't write them, and I'm struggling to modify them.)

So, how do I write these to take into account all combinations, that each identifier might appear in each others string, and to be consistent? Is this a task for a high end programmer, and not an amateur like me, as I have seen a few posts with similar problems where C# and Python developers struggle? Am I aiming too high for my current abilities?

Or is it just as simple as me getting the syntax right?

For example, I tried 37(\d{2,6})(91|02|11|12|13|15|17|20|99|10)

02050604029067253700000100 - Supplier 1

Captuered: 00000
Should capture: 00000100

370091919322223002 - Supplier 2

Captured: 0091
Should capture: 0091

020761303548292020031520090037801092651042d - Supplier 3

Captured: 80
Should capture: 80

PS. I only have VBA and access available to me, no other languages etc.
I would construct a Regex expression string for each supplier, and store in a table with their other details.
Then lookup the regex expression for the required supplier and apply that.?

Hi. I'm not sure I understand your question. Based on Gasman's response, were you asking how to check one input against three different patterns? What if it matches more than one?
I would construct a Regex expression string for each supplier, and store in a table with their other details.
Then lookup the regex expression for the required supplier and apply that.?


Thank you! This method works well for me :) I tried this on Sunday and it worked a charm. :) Thank you for digging me out of a rut!
Hi. Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
Hi. I'm not sure I understand your question. Based on Gasman's response, were you asking how to check one input against three different patterns? What if it matches more than one?

That was my problem, I was trying to do a one regex fits all possible combinations with GS1 identifiers....but its not that simple, and Gasman's simple approach has helped me out immensely, had tunnel vision. :(
That was my problem, I was trying to do a one regex fits all possible combinations with GS1 identifiers....but its not that simple, and Gasman's simple approach has helped me out immensely, had tunnel vision. :(
Nice going, Gasman. Cheers!

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