Suggest a movie to watch

In this scene the actor jumps out of a running car and flies ahead of the car. Even if you know nothing about acceleration in physics, this scene makes you laugh. If you are a movie lover, you will hate me for posting this cartoon here.

Wait for the scene when the actress jumps off the bridge, then tell me what you think.

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We don't have to agree on this; it is a matter of tastes that differ, though perhaps they don't differ so much as you might think.

As it happens, I don't watch movies like the Fast and Furious franchise members. Maybe it is exactly because they are so ludicrous in their stunts and yet they take themselves seriously in a real-world setting. I watched the first Tom Cruise Mission: Impossible movie and haven't watched any of the others. Perhaps I avoid those pictures because they go too far with the stunts and not far enough with the scenario to make it escapist. We watch movies to escape reality, not to sit inside someone else's view of a boringly violent reality.

Perhaps the difference is that the director has to come up with particular mind-set and make the movie follow that mind-set. Which perhaps is why I like the movie True Lies, an obviously tongue-in-cheek movie that is over the top but is having fun going there. We've also mentioned The Fifth Element as a movie with a pot-load of impossibilities but who cares? It's still done with, as we say in the USA, a "wink and a nod" to humor.

Look at the movie King Kong - specifically the Jack Black remake. There is an acknowledgement of an old song-and-dance movie tradition in it. When Anne Darrow has confronted Kong in New York and he carries her off to a park with a frozen pond, they perform a classic pas de deux (with Kong doing most of the "dancing" by sliding across the ice while holding her). That inclusion is an homage to the classical way of making movies despite the effects and technology that went into animating a very believable Kong.

Perhaps I agree in part that some of those effects just strain credibility too much. Perhaps it is because they don't take you past a particular boundary, whereas the sci-fi and fantasy epics take you far enough away that you EXPECT impossibilities and thus can get into them. Consider The Matrix (the first one) which has a lot of violence - but suddenly your reality shifts and you don't know what to expect any more. You have crossed the threshold and can suspend disbelief, perhaps because your mind can recognize that you are in an imaginary reality. Or consider Alita: Battle Angel as another example that is built with violence but not a lot of humor. Even so, it is a fun movie to watch because you are so clearly past the boundaries of your reality that you can suspend your disbelief.

I stand by my earlier comments, but perhaps with the understanding that not every movie takes you far enough away from reality for the physics violations to no longer matter to you. If it is not immersive enough, if it does not take you far enough, ... then is when you say "Oh, come ON, you can't do that!"
It's a very nice movie. A man's quest for justice
Watch you will be impressed.
Sure, movies like Back To The Future, Kong and The Matrix seem to violate the "rules" as they apply to common sense, physics or whatever. But I think there is a line between fantasy and stories that are supposedly based in reality. When you violate the laws of mechanics, physics or any other science without setting the tone for the movie (i.e. farce/spoof vs reality) you had better establish which vein your movie is in. That's why BTTF is OK with me, despite the fact that it's generally accepted that we can't go back in time. But if the movie is fiction supposedly grounded in reality, then my tolerance for bending/breaking those rules is lower.
But if the movie is fiction supposedly grounded in reality, then my tolerance for bending/breaking those rules is lower.

I believe you and I are of one mind on this particular point, Micron.
Another crazy comedy is 'What's up, doc". Probably the funniest line (as far as I am concerned) is at the end of the movie where Barbara Streisand says "love means you never have to say you're sorry" in which Ryan O'Neal replies "That's the dumbest thing I ever heard ". Which is in reference to the movie "Love Story" that he was in. But there are a lot of crazy things that happen in the movie.
How bout when you see the camera gear in car paint or windows, I'm always checking for that.
Actually, since I got my new UHD TV a few months ago, I have started noticing light setup reflections in their eyes. Now THAT is a trip.
Check out to find all kinds of goofs, trivia and easter eggs in a lot of movies.
The one that always stands out to me was in Plan 9 From Outer Space where the overhead lights in the cemetery scene, which was shot indoors, showed lens flare on the finished print. But there were SO many goofs, glitches, and "gotchas" that we could submit the whole movie. I found this little tidbit interesting about it: The movie credits Bela Lugosi as starring in the flick, but he died before shooting started. Rather than having to redo the credits and ad posters, they just used stock footage so that he never had to speak a line. The few times they couldn't overlay him in, they used his dentist as a stand-in, never mind that the dentist was a foot taller and blond-haired. But he lifted up his cloak to hide his face so nobody would know. (??!!!?!)
Ever seen the guys (camera man, gaffer, whatever) in the mirror when Alistair Sim is looking in it after being visited by ghosts all night?
There's a great one in Terminator just before the truck blows up at the end, there is a close up of the front grill / bumper and a perfect shot of the rope attached to the bumper of the model truck they were pulling along by hand before they detonated it
In a lot of action movies. If you look closely, you can see ramps, ropes, etc. on the cars. I forget which movie it is (made in the 60's). Where they 'simulate' a avalanche. If watch closely, you can see someone's hand pushing the snow down the 'mountain'.
Let's not forget the Bert Gordon B-movies of the 1950s, drive-in scream fests. There is one in which the special effect is a tarantula crawling up a building... well, actually a tarantula crawling along a suitably tilted PICTURE of a building. The shadows give it away.
On a different tack...

By far the strangest movie I have ever seen was Eraserhead. Typically weird David Lynch film I saw maybe 20 years ago that, from memory, was just unnerving / confusing the whole way through.

(Added bonus - you'll also get to see where MajP gets his profile pic from)
On a different tack...

By far the strangest movie I have ever seen was Eraserhead. Typically weird David Lynch film I saw maybe 20 years ago that, from memory, was just unnerving / confusing the whole way through.

(Added bonus - you'll also get to see where MajP gets his profile pic from)
At least now I know where @MajP 's avatar came from. I wonder if he loves this movie:

Considering this picture's high point in IMDB, I tried to rent the DVD and watch it. But seeing several photos of the scene, seems to be a little grotesque for me. I changed my mind.
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We streamed Hatari! recently. Not a great movie by any means. But interesting in the techniques they used to use to catch the animals for the zoo. Also reading up about the movie. They did not use stuntmen for the scenes where they were capturing the animals. John Wayne was really riding of the front of that truck!!!. Also there is a scene where a rhino is loose. That actually happened when filming and they kept as part of the movie.

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