Trump vs Zelensky

One thing for sure. If Trump had not forced the issue of Ukraine, the politicians in the UK and Europe would still be sat back in their warm bath, accepting that the war could just bumble on without unduly affecting them. Not a single extra €, £ would have been added to their defence budgets.

The UK has recently had a new budget forcing huge rises in taxation to pay for ludicrous socialist schemes with nothing allowed for defence. It appears almost like Reeves from Complaints, the Chancellor had no knowledge of the war. This was a person who claimed to have inherited huge debts. Then came up with the idea that spending huge extra amounts would fix the issue. If someone is faced with debts, most people don't go out and buy a new car and book a World cruise.
I guess it's the left's way of making fun of Lindsay's sexual proclivities.
There they go being hypocrites again. We can't make fun of Graham's sexual proclivities. That's mean. In this case it is so egregious, it is a MACRO aggression rather than a micro aggression. Oh wait, I guess we can. I forgot about the R exception to the rule. Although, I wouldn't call Graham a Republican. He's actually a member of the uni-party so I think of him as a Democrat. I guess being inflicted with TDS doesn't save Graham from the left's mocking of his sexual orientation even though they would never think of mocking one of their own or even some mostly naked, real freak doing a bump and grind at a Gay Pride parade as he waves his genitalia in the face of small children along the parade route. Or someone like Connecticut's own Rosa DeLauro with her purple hair and funky blue glasses. I was OK with the purple hair but the blue glasses are too much. I guess I just don't get the look she is aiming for. Maybe it is "late transexual school teacher".

So, moke, Why is it ok to mock Lindsay Graham's sexual orientation? Is that no longer considered poor form or is it OK because you think Graham is a Republican and therefore not entitled to any respect?
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We can't make fun of Graham's sexual proclivities.
Why not? It's only a thing because he hides it. You know, family values and all that.

even some mostly naked, real freak doing a bump and grind at a Gay Pride parade as he waves his genitalia in the face of small children along the parade route.
How many of those parades have you attended? Or are you just assuming that's what happens?

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