WordPress sites - who owns one?


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 21:07
Sep 28, 1999
I am curious if any members here own a WordPress site that they run. I ask because this might be a good place to discuss the security aspects of it.

Let me start: I've got tons of them.
I've got around 5 or 6 WordPress sites. Only one is really operating, the rest are sort of works in progress, except for one which I am running for my cousin, however the deal was I would setup WordPress, and he would add the content. I've added some of the content and he has yet to add the rest, hence the site is in limbo!

I'm not really sure I would want to discuss my sites security issues in a public place? I suppose it depends how you ask and answer the questions....
My own recommendation would be to get it up to date. Then, install Wordfence or some similar security plugin. With the latest versions of WordPress, you can set it to automatically update the plugins which is great, because often hackers would find a security loophole in the plugin and exploit it. As soon as the plugin developers become aware of the loopholes, they update the plugins (with a bit of luck). But monitoring multiple sites and tons of plugins becomes a thankless task. Not any more thanks to this new feature.
But monitoring multiple sites and tons of plugins becomes a thankless task. Not any more thanks to this new feature.

i always was told that plug ins should be avoided because they are never securelely built.
What about security plugins?
me? i was say that everybody tell me that plug ins are never well built so i have always been told not to use them.
Without a security plugin on your WordPress site, you will be hacked to death.
i did not mean security plug in. i meant the rest sorry. i have back end dashboard that i look at all the time and hackers all over the world target wordpress log in pages every day all day long. some hosters have 2 days worth of logs you can look at. i looked at one once and out of 200 records, 150 approximate of them were hits to the wordpress back-end administrator log in page. the result was 404 server error. so i think what that means is that there are hundreds of thousdans of hackers around world that are running robots all day long. :(
does anyone know about google competition to wordpress? don't know when they start it but it is now out. many foreign workers are using it i notice. i talk to some


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