Online Co-op Campaign Games


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Today, 07:39
Dec 26, 2002

Anyone have any recommendations? I primarily play on PS4. I've played through Borderlands, Destiny, The Division, and Diablo III. I'm looking for more recommendations to tie me and my girlfriend over for Destiny 2. I'm specifically looking for games that allow campaign co-op that actually works. Most multiplayer games fail in that you don't necessarily do missions "together" but rather separately handle them and can happen to do them together, if that makes sense.

I've read over I'm looking for recommendations from real people though.

Any takers?

I may be a database geek but I have no idea about gaming systems, however my son was just gifted a PS3 and the link you posted is exactly what kind of site he was asking for help finding - thanks!

Sorry, I have no advice on which PS4 co-op games are the best, but do you happen to have any suggestions of PS3 co-op games? :o
I may be a database geek but I have no idea about gaming systems, however my son was just gifted a PS3 and the link you posted is exactly what kind of site he was asking for help finding - thanks!

Sorry, I have no advice on which PS4 co-op games are the best, but do you happen to have any suggestions of PS3 co-op games? :o

Pretty much the same games I posted. Destiny, Borderlands (all of them).

How old is your son? Borderlands might have some language and scenes that are a bit more mature. No nudity, but definitely not a kid-friendly game. Destiny should be fine. It's a space shooter without any harsh language that I recall.
Destiny should be fine. It's a space shooter without any harsh language that I recall.

Thank you, we will check out Destiny. My son is 13 and I've come to terms with the fact that keeping him sheltered from violent games is impossible, so instead we keep an open forum, such as his love of GTA on PC.

"When I was his age".... ah, nevermind, at his age I was playing Leisure Suit Larry on Commodore 64, lol...

I was concerned with his lack of human contact with all his gaming (and watching other people gaming on YouTube) but I'm realizing that it has it own social advantages.
Thank you, we will check out Destiny. My son is 13 and I've come to terms with the fact that keeping him sheltered from violent games is impossible, so instead we keep an open forum, such as his love of GTA on PC.

"When I was his age".... ah, nevermind, at his age I was playing Leisure Suit Larry on Commodore 64, lol...

I was concerned with his lack of human contact with all his gaming (and watching other people gaming on YouTube) but I'm realizing that it has it own social advantages.

Oh, then I would say Borderlands might be ok. I would say it's probably PG-13. They bleep out certain words intentionally and ironically. Watch some videos and do some research first though. I played with some younger people.

Leisure Suit Larry, nothing like those pixels. We have definitely evolved into more realistic gaming, to be sure. The higher graphical detail might be a concern for some parents. :p

Good for you though. Obviously sheltering him would only make him play those games without your permission or at a friend's house. At least you have established that he's mature enough.
I was concerned with his lack of human contact with all his gaming (and watching other people gaming on YouTube) but I'm realizing that it has it own social advantages.

It's better to call it a lack of face-to-face contact. Online gaming, be it competitive, cooperative, or both, tends to actually have fairly intense human contact; more than you find with MOST hobbies, honestly.
It's better to call it a lack of face-to-face contact. Online gaming, be it competitive, cooperative, or both, tends to actually have fairly intense human contact; more than you find with MOST hobbies, honestly.

Hmm ok, now I'm curious: in your opinion, is that a good thing or a bad thing? The world seems to be moving away from face-to-face contact, yet contact "in general" is easier (for example, this very conversation!)

As a single parent of a teen, I wrestle with this on a daily basis...
Well, people have been complaining that one thing or another is ending personal interaction and thereby dooming humanity at least since the invention of newspapers. (Yes, I've seen letters from the 1700's bemoaning how papers were making everyone ignore everyone else and would be the end of society.)

So while the lack of personal interaction could be an issue, it's not the end of everything. Your teen still interacts with his or her friends, they just don't hang out at the arcade or go biking. He or she probably has friends all over the world, though. Hell, one of my best friends is my old guildmaster from Everquest - we've known each other for 20 years now, and yet have never met. People meet and fall in love online. You wind up with friends and acquaintances everywhere, and you never know what might come of it. In fact, that friend of mine had a running feud in World of Warcraft with a dwarven priest on the Mannoroth PvP server. That priest later turned out to be Robin Williams! (And as I've mentioned in other threads here, as a Goon in EVE Online, I knew one of the four people killed in the Benghazi embassy attack.)

So no, I don't see it as a bad thing. Sure, complete, unstopped retreat into your room and never ever setting foot outside would be bad (and the Japanese even have a special word for it, which I forget offhand), but that really doesn't happen often at all. It really is just where you or I would have hung out at the arcade, or gone biking, or hung out at the bowling alley, now kids play games online.

And you might want to consider that studies have also repeatedly shown that that gaming actually improves cognition, coordination, and decision-making ability, whether you're taking out terrorists, slaying dragons, or crushing candy.

Also, when the kid heads off to college, there will be PLENTY of socialization. :D

Edited to add: The Japanese term for someone who has totally retreated to an online existence and totally isolated him- or herself is 'hikikomori'. [URL][/URL]
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Well said. When I was young, we would go to each other's houses and play games together. Today, we can all do so online. If anything, I have better contact with my longtime friends who have moved away than ever before.

As with anything, moderation is key. Your health is important. WHile video games help with mental ability, unless you are playing DDR or Wii Fit, your physical condition can suffer if you aren't careful. Sunlight and physical activity remains important, at least until we can successfully upload our consciousness into the web. :p
I realise this thread is over 4 years old but just wanted to put a mention out there for Stranded Deep - it's a survival game where you are stranded in the pacific surrounded by many islands. They have very recently introducted cooperative play and have been playing with my partner who isn't a big "Gamer" so its easy to learn but loads of fun
I realise this thread is over 4 years old but just wanted to put a mention out there for Stranded Deep - it's a survival game where you are stranded in the pacific surrounded by many islands. They have very recently introducted cooperative play and have been playing with my partner who isn't a big "Gamer" so its easy to learn but loads of fun
I'm trying to post a link to a youtube video which has two players pretending to be the characters and are very funny but the system won't let me.
If you'd like a preview with a difference, just search for Neebs Stranded Deep!
GTAV and RDR 2 online, there is a campaign and you can play coop in lot of different in game activities
To me Resident Evil 5 was one of the best coop experiences ever. The game is now outdated, but still playable. I highly recommend it.

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