A little help with If, Else and Exit sub


Local time
Today, 21:31
Nov 3, 2021
I have a form where a production order can be stopped by the button "btn_StopOrdre". However certain conditions must bet met in order to do this.
First criteria - If no choice has been made in combo box "cbm_Medarbejder" a message box tells the operator to fill it out.
Second criteria - If the Query "qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder" returns no rows another message box tells the operator that
the productions order is not started yet and therefore cant be stopped.
If both criteria is met, form "frm_ctn_TidStop" will open
I need a little help with the (if, else and exit sub) in the right sequence :-)
Here is what I have so far:

Private Sub btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer
Dim inCnt As Integer

If IsNull(Forms!frm_ctn_List!cbm_Medarbejder) Then
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk... Vælg medarbejder fra dropdown list", vbOKOnly)
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & cbm_Medarbejder.Value & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
    Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False
    End If
    intCnt = DCount("[No_]", "[qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder]")
    If intCnt = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Du kan ikke afslutte en ordre du ikke har startet", 64, "Stop produktionsordre"
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer
Dim inCnt As Integer

If IsNull(Forms!frm_ctn_List!cbm_Medarbejder) Then
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk... Vælg medarbejder fra dropdown list", vbOKOnly)
exit sub
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & cbm_Medarbejder.Value & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
    Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False
    exit sub
    End If
    intCnt = DCount("[No_]", "[qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder]")
    If intCnt = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Du kan ikke afslutte en ordre du ikke har startet", 64, "Stop produktionsordre"
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer
Dim inCnt As Integer

If IsNull(Forms!frm_ctn_List!cbm_Medarbejder) Then
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk... Vælg medarbejder fra dropdown list", vbOKOnly)
exit sub
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & cbm_Medarbejder.Value & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
    Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False
    exit sub
    End If
    intCnt = DCount("[No_]", "[qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder]")
    If intCnt = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Du kan ikke afslutte en ordre du ikke har startet", 64, "Stop produktionsordre"
    End If
End Sub
Thanks for the quick reply :)
I must be doing something wrong. It looks like the first criteria is ignored as it goes to the DoCmd.OpenForm... where I get an error cause "cbm_Medarbejder" isn't filled out yet - this makes sense.
However maybe I have a syntax error i my opening criteria for the form.


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shouldn't it be:

"MedarbejderID = " & [Forms]![frm_ctn_list]![cbm_Medarbejder] & " And [Off] = 0"
shouldn't it be:

"MedarbejderID = " & [Forms]![frm_ctn_list]![cbm_Medarbejder] & " And [Off] = 0"
Well "cbm_Medarbejder" is on the current form but the "Off" field is located in table "tbl_TidsTabel"
Am I missing a table reference here ?
You need to start indenting your code properly as well.?
How is the code below meant to execute?
    intCnt = DCount("[No_]", "[qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder]")
    If intCnt = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Du kan ikke afslutte en ordre du ikke har startet", 64, "Stop produktionsordre"
    End If
If "cbm_Medarbejder" empty then msgbox
 If cbm_Medarbejder = "" Then
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk... Vælg medarbejder fra dropdown listen", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
so far so good :)

Instead of checking a query's outcome it might be better to do it with VBA.

So if field "cbm_Medarbejder" (which is a number field in the current form) has a match in table "tbl_TidsTabel" in field "MedarbejderID" AND
field "No_" (which is a short text field in the current form) has a match in table "tbl_TidsTabel" in field "No_"
The two "No_" are different fields.
AND... The field "SlutTidspunkt" in table "tbl_TidsTabel" is empty

If above is being met then open form....
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & cbm_Medarbejder.Value & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False

Otherwise msgbox
MsgBox "Du kan ikke afslutte en ordre du ikke har startet", 64, "Stop produktionsordre"

Need some help with the middle part :-)
Are you sure the field is null and not a ZeroLengthString? I've modified the code to handle both. Also, it is important to be ruthless in your formatting. It is so much easier to find bugs if your alignment is helping you rather than hiding things.
Private Sub btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer
Dim inCnt As Integer

If Me.cbm_Medarbejder & "" = "" Then   
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk... Vælg medarbejder fra dropdown list", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & Me.cbm_Medarbejder & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
    Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False
End If
intCnt = DCount("[No_]", "[qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder]")
If intCnt = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Du kan ikke afslutte en ordre du ikke har startet", 64, "Stop produktionsordre"
End If
End Sub
Are you sure the field is null and not a ZeroLengthString? I've modified the code to handle both. Also, it is important to be ruthless in your formatting. It is so much easier to find bugs if your alignment is helping you rather than hiding things.
Private Sub btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer
Dim inCnt As Integer

If Me.cbm_Medarbejder & "" = "" Then  
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk... Vælg medarbejder fra dropdown list", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & Me.cbm_Medarbejder & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
    Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False
End If
intCnt = DCount("[No_]", "[qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder]")
If intCnt = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Du kan ikke afslutte en ordre du ikke har startet", 64, "Stop produktionsordre"
End If
End Sub
This works
Thanks... :-)
However, the form opens even though both criteria aren't met.
So I ended up with this:

Private Sub btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer

If cbm_Medarbejder = "" Then
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk at vælge medarbejder fra dropdown listen", 64, "Vælg medarbejder")
    Exit Sub
End If
If DCount("No_", "qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder") > 0 Then
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & cbm_Medarbejder.Value & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
    Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False

    MsgBox "Du har ikke startet nogen produktionsordre endnu !", 64, "HUSK - Start produktionsordre"
    Forms!frm_ctn_list![Produktionsordre Nummer].SetFocus
End If
End Sub

I am just a novice in Access VBA trying to learn, so bear with me for my poor formatting, indenting etc..
Thanks for helping :)
[КОД] Частная субмарина btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer

Если len(cbm_Medarbejder & "")=0 То ''''''''''''
intanswer = MsgBox("Husk at vælge medarbejder fra dropdown listen", 64, "Vælg medarbejder")
Выход из sub
Закончить, если

Если len(DCount("No_", "qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder") и "") > 0 То
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , ,"MedarbejderID=" & cbm_Medarbejder.Value & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
Формы! [frm_ctn_TidStop]. РазрешитьДобавления = False

MsgBox "Du har ikke startet nogen produktionsordre endnu !", 64, "HUSK - Start produktionsordre"
Формы!frm_ctn_list! [Produktionsordre Nummer]. СетФокус
Закончить, если

Конец Sub[/CODE]
Private Sub btn_StopOrdre_Click()

Dim intanswer As Integer

If len(cbm_Medarbejder & "")=0 Then
    intanswer = MsgBox("Husk at vælge medarbejder fra dropdown listen", 64, "Vælg medarbejder")
    Exit Sub
End If
If len(DCount("No_", "qry_AfslutProduktionsordreMedarbejder")  & "")=0  Then
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ctn_TidStop", , , "MedarbejderID=" & cbm_Medarbejder.Value & "and [off]= 0", acFormEdit, acWindowNormal
    Forms![frm_ctn_TidStop].AllowAdditions = False

    MsgBox "Du har ikke startet nogen produktionsordre endnu !", 64, "HUSK - Start produktionsordre"
    Forms!frm_ctn_list![Produktionsordre Nummer].SetFocus
End If
End Sub
you do the Validation on the Form's BeforeUpdate event.
However, the form opens even though both criteria aren't met.
So I ended up with this:
Yes, but what does it open to? Is there code in the form that is overriding you where clause?
Yes, but what does it open to? Is there code in the form that is overriding you where clause?
No - it opens the form showing the records matching the employee ID where off is equal to 0.
Off=0 is set when Stop time field (Which is a date field) is empty

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