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I found very old post in this forum - 2005, started by Ang. Tried to implement the code but can't get it to work
I keep getting the error in red at the .SaveAs line
Private Sub AmendmentInsurer_Click()
'Dim Variable_Note As String
Dim stDocName As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim Variable_To As String
Dim Variable_CC As String
Dim Variable_Subject As String
Dim Variable_Body As String
Dim Signature As String
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim OutlookAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Dim strFileName As String
'I place the file on a different folder
MyPath = "\\JK_Server-PC\Users\JK_Server\My Documents\JKBrokers\Clients\PersonalClients\" & Forms!ClientInformation.LastName & " " & Forms!ClientInformation.Initials & " " & Forms!ClientInformation.Title & "_" & Forms!ClientInformation.ClientNr & "\Amendments\"
'State the filename.
MyFileName = "Amendment" & "" & "nr_" & Me.Amendment_nr & " " & Forms!ClientInformation.LastName & " " & Forms!ClientInformation.Initials & " " & Forms!ClientInformation.Title
'Let's print and save. Once you see it works, you can change True to False so that the file created is not opened after completion.
DoCmd.OpenReport "AmendmentPersonalSend", acViewPreview
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "AmendmentPersonalSend", acFormatPDF, MyPath & MyFileName & ".pdf", False 'True
'Let's close our previewed report
'DoCmd.Close acReport, "AmendmentPersonalSend"
' The filepath for the attachment
If Not IsNull(Me.strHyperlink) Then
strFileName = Mid$(Me.strHyperlink, InStr(Me.strHyperlink, "#") + 1)
strFileName = "Empty"
End If
'Set Variables
Variable_To = Me.EmailTo
Variable_CC = Me.Text61 & ";" & Me.Text97
Variable_Subject = Me.Text32 & "/" & Me.Text36 & " " & Me.Text35 & " " & Me.Text34 & " - Service#: " & Amendment_nr
Variable_Body = "<FONT face=Verdana size=2><B>CLIENT: </B>" & Me.Text82 & " " & Me.Text35 & " " & Me.Text34 & "<BR>"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "<B>INSURER: </B>" & Me.Text41 & "<BR>"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "<B>POLICY#: </B>" & Me.Text32 & "<BR>"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "<B>SERVICE#:</B> <font color=red>" & Me.Amendment_nr & "</font><BR>"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "<B>AMENDMENT DATE:</B> " & Me.AmendDate & "<BR>"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "<CENTER><B>INSTRUCTION TO INSURER</B></CENTER>" & "<BR>"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "<hr style= 'color:Red;height:2pt;width:100%;' />"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & Me.Amendment
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "<hr style= 'color:Red;height:1pt;width:100%;' />"
Variable_Body = Variable_Body & "Groete/Regards<BR>"
'Set the ATTACHMENT field
'If Not IsNull(strHyperlink) Then
'OutlookMail.Attachments.Add (strFileName)
'End If
'Set Outlook session with signature
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail ' This creates a blank email and captures the users default signature.
.BodyFormat = 2 ' 2 = HTML format
.Send 'or use .Display
End With
Signature = OutMail.HTMLBody
With OutMail
.To = Variable_To
.CC = Variable_CC
.BCC = ""
.Subject = Variable_Subject
.Attachments.Add (MyPath & MyFileName & ".pdf")
.Attachments.Add (strFileName)
.HTMLBody = Variable_Body & Signature
.SaveAs = """\\JK_Server-PC\Users\JK_Server\My Documents\JKBrokers\Clients\PersonalClients\" & Forms!ClientInformation.LastName & " " & Forms!ClientInformation.Initials & " " & Forms!ClientInformation.Title & "_" & Forms!ClientInformation.ClientNr & "\Send Emails\" & Variable_Subject & ".msg", OlSaveAsType.olMSG"""
.Display 'or use .Send
.ReadReceiptRequested = True
End With
MsgBox "The Email has been send successfully to" & " " & Me.EmailTo
'Call Client confirmation
Call AmendConfir_Click
End Sub
I keep getting the error in red at the .SaveAs line