Harvard and its Fake Diversity


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Sep 28, 1999
I watched some of the congressional hearting yesterday about the antisemitism within universities in America. This was after reading an article in the Daily Mail about Claudine Gay, its president. As she was being questioned, at first I thought she sounded quite reasonable, which suprised me. But then it went downhill. When asked about the dramatic rise in antisemitism on campuses, she explained how abhorrent she found it. Hurrah! She is talking sense! Then, in the following sentence, she said that she is against all forms of discrimination, including islamophobia. This riled me!

Let me explain. When you get something so significant like the rise in antisemitism after the genocidal attack on October 7th, and you are at a hearing about antisemitism, talk about islamophobia is completely irrelevant. It is brought in as an argument to give some kind of legitimacy that the two things are equal, which they are not. There are no mobs of students going around intimidating Muslims in Harvard, but they are intimidating Jews. It is a false equivalence, as a Republican congressional member pointed out.

Furthermore, when asked if students calling for the genocide of Jews was against Harvard's policies, she refused to say it was. She would only say that the policies prohibit harassment, bullying and intimidation (or something to that effect). She said, "It depends". I'm quite sure, as a black woman herself, she would have taken a different view if - after the death of George Floyd and during the Black Lives Matter riots - a mob of students were giving their allegiance to the KKK and advocated the lynching of blacks. Or do you think she would really say that might not be against Harvard's policies? I think we all know the answer.

What it boils down to is that liberals have large numbers of antisemitic members within their group. And because she and nearly all her faculty members are liberal, the pervading group-think leads to cult-like perspective.

So, why do I say Harvard has fake diversity? It came from a comment during the hearing which revealed that only 1% of Harvard faculty members voted for Trump. Astonishing! Diversity is our strength is a phrase they no doubt embed in their constitution. Yet they have no diversity of thought. Instead, they focus on melanin content in skin, and ignore diversity of political views. They run together lockstep towards a liberalist outlook, leading to the dramatic rise in antisemitism as the left has hijacked the educational institutions. You need opposing views to stop the drift towards extremism as you go down the slippery slope unhindered.

It is not just a phenomenon in the USA. In the UK, the Jeremy Corbyn shadow government Labour party had an investigation for rampant antisemitism within their party. Personally, I find it quite astonishing that after all this time following the holocaust that we are back to square one. History repeats itself.

Edit: This is not to bash liberals. It is to highlight the problems associated with censorship and a lack of diversity of political thought.
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Just to update this. the president of Harvard was asked SPECIFICALLY if rallies calling for the death of blacks would violate the free speech rules and she diverted at least three times in the clip that is playing everywhere. She refused to answer Yes or No, just as she refused to answer Yes or No to the question regarding the calls for death to the Jews. I say "death to all the college administrators and professors who are teaching our children this woke propaganda.";)
Alan Dershowitz specifically addresses Harvard's antisemitism. Harvard's antisemitism is part of a "bigger" sociological trend that Dershowitz has been increasingly vocal in condemning. Since October 7, 2023 Dershowitz has increased his tirades against the "woke" left, who he refers too as the new Nazi party. The podcast is 31 minutes long and well worth listening too as it integrates what is happening at Harvard to the rest of derenged "woke" culture.
I sure hope that other rational Democrats are rethinking their loyal support of the Democrat party which has spiraled into evil. I used to think that Democrats mostly "got it". They saw the same problems that I saw. The problem to me was always that their solutions were off target and way too Pollyannaish to implemented successfully-but they "meant well". They no longer mean well. They are actively and openly out to destroy the United States of America as we know it. They seem to have a death wish caused by years of indoctrination by our government run educational system and then topped off by our government supported colleges. What country says "there's way too many of us and life is too good for us. It is downright unfair", lets import the poor and uneducated of the world so we can pay for them to trash $400 per night hotel rooms and complain if they have to share a room. It is perfectly OK if they don't speak the language. We'll just incur monumental expenses to print everything in their language because their language is better than ours and we'll hire the best lawyers for them who speak their language of course to get them through our legal system so they can stay. Funny though. I don't know a single Democrat who has offered to take in and be responsible for feeding, housing, clothing, educating, and medical expenses a single illegal alien. Wonder why that is. Hmmmmm.
Funny though. I don't know a single Democrat who has offered to take in and be responsible for feeding, housing, clothing, educating, and medical expenses a single illegal alien. Wonder why that is. Hmmmmm.
Democrats never offer to use their money, they only offer faux "solutions" based on "stealing" from the public tax revenue stream.
As for "solutions", Democrats only suggest "solutions", that on the surface, appear to sound humanitarian gestures but never actually solve the problem. Recent examples include New York and Chicago, where the mayors want assistance to take care of illegal immigrants, but never mention the options that the Biden could close the border which would stop the influx of illegal immigrants and to deport those already here which would relieve their cities of having to take care of the illegal immigrants.

There is also a segue to the current Israeli conflict with Hamas. The Biden administration is pressuring (manipulating) Israel to accept cease fires to allow humanitarian assistance to those in Gaza. Biden falsely claims he supports Israel. If Biden actually supports Israel, he would publicly demand that Hamas surrender before allowing any humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza. Allowing humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza supports Hamas' ability to continue terrorist activities. Supplying humanitarian aid to illegal immigrants and to terrorist such as Hamas does not solve any problems.
At this point I'm sure that the prisoners are probably praying daily to die. They are likely in no shape to be released so Hamas can't let them go regardless and that is quite likely why they broke the last cease-fire.

Now that Gaza has been bombed to smithereens is it still habitable? Can the residents return and pick up the pieces after Israel collapses all the tunnels? Who gets custody of the Hamas bank accounts? Will there be any money left to rebuild infrastructure? Is there a way to distribute the Gaza residents to the 57 other refugee camps temporarily so the whole city can just be razed and the site cleaned for reconstruction? Whatever is left is probably in pretty poor shape so it is probably better to start from scratch.

How about if Israel creates a plan to rebuild Gaza or perhaps, instead of leaving Gaza with the Palestinians, which is separated from the West Bank, maybe transferring territory from Israel proper to the West Bank would work better since the new Palestinian homeland will be contiguous which makes it easier to make into a viable country. Then Israel keeps Gaza in exchange.

What if in the new territory, people who are capable of building, can be located in temporary camps close to the rebuilding sites? They work to build their own homes so their families can be reunited as quickly as possible. If the locations are near existing settlements, they will be easier to integrate and local infrastructure such as mosques, grocery stores, and other needed retail and medical will already exist. That lets them concentrate on housing, roads, and utilities. Then as they progress further, they can include water and power plants and more retail. One of the really good things about Kuwait was how they planned the residential areas so that a green grocer, butcher, small grocery, pharmacy, post office, and clinic were never more than a 6 block walk because the women didn't drive. So in order to be semi-functional without a car, certain crucial facilities needed to be nearby. Then in a larger area, more major shopping and medical specialists would be located. Assuming money can be found, the reconstruction should proceed rapidly given the incentives. An effort should also be made to recreate "communities" wherever possible so that friends and families can live in proximity to their neighbors from Gaza. It is actually amazing what a community can do to recover from a natural disaster with the right frame of mind. This is of course a man-made disaster but the rebuilding could help with the healing and provide a positive outlook for the future.

Of course the PLA would be unlikely to approve of such a plan because a new election would need to happen as well as hopefully a charter that doesn't start with "first we kill all the Jews". They would also need to cede the areas of the West Bank that are heavily settled by Israelis to Israel permanently. The Palestinians will have to make a conscious decision to give up their perpetual hatred of Jews or nothing good will come out of this war either.

I would not give East Jerusalem to the new state. Israel should keep it.
Upenn president resigned. One down, two to go.
Democrats never offer to use their money, they only offer faux "solutions" based on "stealing" from the public tax revenue stream.

I've mentioned this before but in this context it bears repeating. Socialism fails when they run out of someone else's money to spend. The only way to stop socialism is to de-fund it.
What got my goat was that when they were answering the specific question about genocide being harassment, they were smirking when replying and talking about some crap of it depending on context. They thought they covered themselves with weasle words. Well, no one was buying it. The fish rots from the head down and their policies were not a deterrent for anti-semitic behaviour. Instead, they effectively said it was fine by them, the presidents.
We need to have some big donors step up and complain, you know, the kind that fund buildings so they can see their name carved in marble.

Nobody cares about my measly contributions to the alumni fund.
Upenn lost a $100m donation.
Painful but more big donors need to step up to the plate. Colleges need to teach students HOW to think and HOW to do something useful. Their current modus operandi is to teach them WHAT to think and let the children decide what might be fun or easy.

Loans for college tuition need to be based on the projected earning potential of the degree. Degrees that correlate with the needs of business and science usually lead to jobs that pay well enough to pay off the tuition loans. Things like Architecture, the various Engineering disciplines, other hard sciences related to biology and chemistry, etc, Finance, Management, etc. These things all have pretty clear target job paths. Softer sciences like archeology are important but there is limited call for graduates and the graduates may gravitate toward teaching rather than doing. Sorry, but Women's studies and Black history are nowhere degrees. The coursework may be valuable and expand your understanding of the world but I've never seen a want add for that kind of education.

What this leads to is less government funded tuition and therefore, the tuition goes down to a much more manageable level saving everybody money and eating up some of the billions in endowments held by the "important" schools. I'm pretty sure, with good management, the "important" schools could provide free or almost free tuition for all students they accept. And they should be picky since it is their endowments paying the freight. They need to STOP discriminating based on anything other than "ability to succeed". The students can pay for their living expenses but the college on-campus housing should be affordable.

Many European countries offer free or low cost tuition but they don't accept people who don't have the academic ability to succeed and graduate because if the student is in over his head, either the school gives make believe degrees or the student fails out and all that money is wasted and another student missed out for no good reason so there are always two victims.

I would love to see us going back to thinking that trade schools and apprenticeship programs are viable paths to success and not "less than" college. It should be hard to get into college but not because they discriminate but because they have standards. If that means that legacy kids don't get automatic admittance, too bad. Emphasis should be on US students and NOT international ones. We have so many Chinese and Russian spies in our colleges it is terrifying to see how they have infiltrated our system and even convinced our children that carrying Big Brother in their pocket is OK. Everyone has to have the latest and greatest tracking and spying devices on their person at all times and they never use cash. Just ApplePay and credit cards. So what if the government doesn't need warrants to spy on you like the Constitution says it does, you're not doing anything wrong. Just be happy your GeoLocation data or credit card charges didn't place you anywhere in the vicinity of the Capitol building on Jan 6, 2021. The FBI is still seeking out and arresting people. Don't buy a gun or ammo with a credit card. CC companies are now willingly reporting all these transactions with the Feds. No warrant issued or asked for. The CC companies just complied without a whimper because owning guns is bad and so gun owners are bad and don't deserve the protections of the I, II, and IV amendments.
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Only solution to reduce anti-semitism is to employ a ratio of 50:50 libs to conservatives. A survey showed that only 2% of Harvard professors are Conservatives. You end up with groupthink and them only selecting professors who are liberal. Then, you have little opposition for anti-semitic thinking to have the brakes put on it. It drifts to extremism.
Shouldn't take a war in Israel for donors to notice there are problems in most universities.
I would love to see us going back to thinking that trade schools and apprenticeship programs are viable paths to success and not "less than" college.

Mike Rowe (of the Dirty Jobs TV series) testified before Congress a few years ago regarding the need for more trade schools and apprenticeships. He noted that people who have college degrees in "progressive liberal" subjects are technically overqualified for the only practical job they can do, which is to flip burgers or lower a basket of French fries into a vat of boiling fat.
I've seen a bunch of Mike Rowe's shows. They're always interesting. I'm not sure how the country got sold on "everyone" must go to college or they're a failure but I did watch it happen. One HUGE problem though is that the students graduating from High School are functioning at a much lower level than you and I were expected to at that age. So, you almost need an associates degree at least to have the background we came to the workforce with as teenagers working part time. I can't tell if we are breeding dumb children or we are making them dumb due to the bigotry of low expectations. Whenever we hear about children failing standardized tests, the solution is never better teaching, it is always dumb down the tests. I sure hope Trump can shut down the DOE -permanently. It has been very bad for education in the US. Our children test way lower than those from other countries and we spend way more money on education than does any other developed nation with increasingly poor results. It has to be the DOE. Standardizing education at the federal level is one of those things that sounds good on paper but is actually contributing to the problem.

I remember being taught in grammar school how to make change. It may have been 3rd or 4th grade when we learned about money. I can still visualize the pictures of the coins in my math book. One of my daughter's early jobs in high school was as a cashier for a local grocery store. She came home in tears the first day because she was having so much trouble making change. This was of course before the cash registers told you how much change to give the customer. But once you learn the trick of adding up instead of trying to subtract, it becomes much easier. Granted, this is no longer a skill we necessarily need to have because we can rely on computers but why not teach it since it solidifies a child's understanding of arithmetic and more importantly, problem solving? Making change is a problem that is much easier to solve when you look at it backwards.
Ask yourself this question. When is the last time you heard of a Democrat idea for a solution to a major problem that wasn't essentially just printing more money and throwing money at the problem? It never occurs to them the throwing less money at problems is the solution to many things

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