Harvard and its Fake Diversity

If you can manage to get to the US border, we welcome you with open arms. Come into our welfare state. We'll put you up in 4 star hotels. We'll fly you anywhere you want to go - no photo ID required because YOU are special. We'll give you money. We'll give you a cell phone. We'll give you free housing. We'll feed you. We'll educate your children. We'll provide the best medical care money can buy. Don't you worry, you get priority in border city hospitals. Local taxpayers can fend for themselves. Not enough room at the Inn, we'll throw out disabled military so you can stay there.
Ha ha, angry? US is a government of the money, by the money, for the money. If there was no profit in cheap labour, the border would close the next day.
What if you have a tribal kind of disrespect for the libtards who hold those opposing "democrat ideas"? For the antidote you propose to be effective, you need to listen respectfully, correct? Failing that, your own echo chamber will blindly support your own bad ideas.
Having opposing views puts the brakes on extremism and provides friction from the drift to the extreme right or left. Whether or not you listen respectfully is up to you. It appears you believe there is nothing wrong with educational institutions having a completely one-sided political view, one that aligns with your own I suspect. My view is different. I believe that the censorship culture and political brainwashing of students is not the remit of educators. And, the only solution is to rebalance the lopsided nature of academia.

As a probable liberal, I would guess you believe in diversity and representation based on melanin. Yet at the same time, it seems you believe diversity of political thought is not a good thing. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but its the gist I get from what you are saying. Maybe you would think differently if it was 97% Republicans educating our kids on why The Wall is a good thing.
If there was no profit in cheap labour, the border would close the next day.
False. This is what Obama (the Manchurian Candidate) meant by "transforming" the US. This is an organized planned racist action to "oust" White residents of the US from political power. The intent is to create a one party state of non-white socialists as an autocratic governing body. Cultural Marxism in action.

A step further. The strategy for letting in all the illegal migrants is to create a new underclass of people who will be dependent on federal welfare. The will further aggrandize and centralize federal power. Essentially neutering the 10th Amendment (states rights).

A purposely created federal government crises for the purpose of imposing a dictatorial federal government only "solution".
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What is a "Democrat idea"?
I already answerd your question once, but in case that didn't soundly and firmly end the discussion, here's an example of a Democrat idea (which obviously means the things the Democract party does)

Regarding the laughably titled "Inflation Reduction Act": Some might wonder, where is that trillion dollars going? Where, indeed? One of the biggest objectives of the laughably titled Inflation Reduction Act was boosting take-up of electric vehicles by greatly expanding the number of charging outlets. Consulting firm McKinsey & Company predicts that "The United States will need about 28 million ports by 2030 to meet the demand for electricity by zero-emission passenger vehicles," up from roughly 2.6 million today. It was recently reported that not a single charging station has been added since that bill passed sixteen months ago

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Except it's my money
I already answerd your question once, but in case that didn't soundly and firmly end the discussion, here's an example of a Democrat idea (which obviously means the things the Democract party does)

Regarding the laughably titled "Inflation Reduction Act": Some might wonder, where is that trillion dollars going? Where, indeed? One of the biggest objectives of the laughably titled Inflation Reduction Act was boosting take-up of electric vehicles by greatly expanding the number of charging outlets. Consulting firm McKinsey & Company predicts that "The United States will need about 28 million ports by 2030 to meet the demand for electricity by zero-emission passenger vehicles," up from roughly 2.6 million today. It was recently reported that not a single charging station has been added since that bill passed sixteen months ago

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Except it's my money
Too early too tell if the story below has "legs", but may be new solar energy scandal comparable to Solyndra. Giving federal tax dollars to a disreputable and potential unprofitable company where the $$$$ just disappear.
Biden admin awarded $3 billion to solar company accused of 'predatory sales strategies,' Republicans write
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Too early too tell if the story below has "legs", but may be new solar energy scandal comparable to Solyndra.
yeah the door to door solar salesmen are definitely some of the WORST, very pushy
If there was no profit in cheap labour, the border would close the next day.
I get that the Republicans want cheap labor and the Democrats want new non-citizen voters since they are losing their reliable base by the droves.

There is a HUGE difference between a slightly porous border and one that invites people from China and the Middle East and Africa to come in at will. NINE MILLION people in three years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly how is that good for the country or the actual citizens and resident aliens?

This is the kind of number that destabilizes a country which seems to be Biden's goal (the Chinese have paid him a shitload of money which has been collected and distributed by the bag man, his drug addled son, who got sloppy with his money laundering tasks and left a trail right to Joe. There IS EVIDENCE. You only have to open your eyes to see it.). Biden would like nothing better than to be able to impose martial law and cancel the 2024 election. The Dems have already cancelled their presidential primary because there is no way in hell that Biden could win it and the Dems want Biden on the ticket. They don't want RFK who would be the likely candidate if the Dems hadn't forced him to declare as an independent. I guess that is "your" type of Democracy The DNC gets to choose the party's presidential candidate. Doesn't this bother you even a little bit? How can you support a party that is taking away YOUR vote because you're too stupid to choose the candidate they want? Why are the Democrats not marching in the streets over this?

You are still deflecting. Biden is a President that you probably voted for since you have deeply rooted TDS. Are you ready to own up to this anti-American policy (not his only anti-American policy either)>
Well Republicans have as much interest (or more) in cheap labor as Democrats do, and yet Republicans are always trying to close the border; Democrats aren't. So I guess that blows that argument out of the water.

Personally, I think it's more like "If bringing in masses of people from poorer countries didn't generally help sway the country Democrat, or at least they think it will, the border would close the next day". Because Democrats are the only thing standing in the way. Certainly the people being swamped with 12,000 people a day in Lukeville, AZ wouldn't mind
Tell them you rent, that's usually enough to start them packing.
Ya know, I'm such a nice guy, for many years a salesman would start a plug with me and 15 min later we'd be politely ending the no-sale conversation. But I finally just got weary - plain old tired, of my door knocking. Also, I tend to be gullible with salesman a little bit, (I admit it), so the safest thing for me is the opposite way of handling.

Finally the other day on our new house we just moved into I invested like $5 for a no soliciting window sticker on amazon. Problem solved. Amazing the things we put off buying, but I'll walk through Walmart and rack up a $100 cart in no time on random garbage. Yet the thoughtful purchases are more few and far between. My goodness, what is wrong with me! :)
Claudine Gay quits at last, but pulls the race card. Typical! She should note that the white Penn university president resigned in the first week after their antisemitic testimony. She instead clung to power for as long as possible. All three preseidents were under pressure to resign so to say it is about racism is just the usual deflection that comes from the liberal echo chamber of everyting is about race.

She said:
'It has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and to upholding scholarly rigor—two bedrock values that are fundamental to who I am—and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus.'

Scholary rigor? What about the apporoximately 50 plagiarism instances that have been uncovered so far?
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I remember a time about 10-15 years ago when I thought 'pulling the race card' (aka black privilege) was basically gone, but its resurgence has been powerful in USA's culture since George Floyd.
I remember a time about 10-15 years ago when I thought 'pulling the race card' (aka black privilege) was basically gone, but its resurgence has been powerful in USA's culture since George Floyd.
Neither side of the aisle want that - its keeps us occupied so we don't pay attention to them. Panem et Circenses at its finest.
I'm on the keto diet, no bread for me, but I did see cirque de soleil the other day, they were alright!
I'm on the keto diet, no bread for me, but I did see cirque de soleil the other day, they were alright!

Got to agree. Wife and I loved their "Avatar" themed exhibition when it came through New Orleans.
Scholary rigor? What about the apporoximately 50 plagiarism instances that have been uncovered so far?
The really sad thing is that Harvard didn't can her because of her anti-semitism. It was because of the overwhelming evidence of her lack of scholarly rigor or whatever new words we have to use to make plagiarism sound like it is not so bad.
The really sad thing is that Harvard didn't can her because of her anti-semitism. It was because of the overwhelming evidence of her lack of scholarly rigor or whatever new words we have to use to make plagiarism sound like it is not so bad.

And then to make herself look even more ridiculous, she claims to be a pillar of both scholarly honesty AND racial justice - the two things she actually failed at!

You cannot make this stuff up. They will just keep saying up is down and black is white until everyone believes it, for sheer exhaustion

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