50's and 60's the whole month of Feb


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:23
Mar 13, 2021
anyone else experiencing this? I read the other day that this Feb was the hottest one on record. Go figure. But what I noticed most is that it hasn't been below 45 degrees in a month and a half! and this is fucking winter time still! It was a 70 degree day today too! Since people around here are from different parts of the world, I am wondering, is this weird stuff going on in your parts of the world too, where winter is supposed to be occurring?
We had maybe one or two days of freezing temperatures in February, quite a few in the upper 40s and lower 50s, and a few more in the 60s and 70s. Our drought was mostly ended, though.
In Australia we have just been through the hottest and in many places the most humid summer ever. Some inhabited places reached 50 Celsius (122 F).
Just back after a couple of months in Western Australia. Unbearable in Perth, well into 40c. It was like walking around with a blow-torch on the back of your neck. But the Perthers didn't have a problem with it. Spent most of time in Albany and much cooler but did have one day at 44.2c. Back in England now and the weather is like our politicians, grey, dismal and wet.

Global warming is rubbish, well as far as us all causing it. Nobody knows anything about the oceans and their effect on the weather. Neither are we told about the changes on the Sun. Will thousands of satellites added each create more change? Weather is getting warmer and has been for 800 years, as we are still moving away from the last mini ice age. Even if we had 1700-1800 weather, many rivers would be frozen over that are not today. Life woulld be grim and more power would be needed for longer through the year.
Plus some countries are finding that warming is beneficial. For Russia and China increasng temperatures are a very real benefit. Which is why they are still building coal fired power stations as fast as they can. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm more than happy for warmer weather in England.

Buy a copy of CLIMATE UNCERTAINTY AND RISK by Judith a. Curry. You won't find it in your library because it is on the blacklist of books that you should not read. According to the government's instruction to local authorities anyway.
We had maybe one or two days of freezing temperatures in February, quite a few in the upper 40s and lower 50s, and a few more in the 60s and 70s. Our drought was mostly ended, though.
aside from the drought you guys had richard, aren't you guys supposed to expect that kind of weather in the winter time? I mean, you're in the south like Texas!
Nobody knows anything about the oceans and their effect on the weather. Neither are we told about the changes on the Sun. Will thousands of satellites added each create more change?
You should avoid assuming that scientists don't know about these matters just because you don't have a clue.
You should avoid assuming that scientists don't know about these matters just because you don't have a clue.

I take the other approach to this. I believe scientists are aware of too many factors and don't correctly understand how they play together. It is a known and fairly incontrovertible fact that we are exiting an Ice Age and thus SHOULD expect global climate changes. The trick is to figure out the weight to assign to each of the other factors. If there were only a relatively few things going on, it would be easy. But we have many things that are happening that could be cause, effect, or cause of one thing but effect of another. Did we contribute to the mess? Probably. Are we the primary cause? Almost certainly not.
anyone else experiencing this? I read the other day that this Feb was the hottest one on record. Go figure. But what I noticed most is that it hasn't been below 45 degrees in a month and a half! and this is fucking winter time still! It was a 70 degree day today too! Since people around here are from different parts of the world, I am wondering, is this weird stuff going on in your parts of the world too, where winter is supposed to be occurring?

The weather is about normal for winter here in Arizona, we are vacillating in between the low 50s and the high 70s which is a pretty normal winter range for us.
The weather is about normal for winter here in Arizona, we are vacillating in between the low 50s and the high 70s which is a pretty normal winter range for us.
i wanna be there. would you be like gent, and invite me over for a drink at a pub in town? =) right @NauticalGent ?
It is a known and fairly incontrovertible fact that we are exiting an Ice Age and thus SHOULD expect global climate changes.
If we are following the usual glaciation cycle, we are close to the end of interglacial period and should not be seeing rapid rises in temperature.

The discovery of glaciation cycles was the reason scientists in the seventies thought we would be starting to enter another glaciation. The human factors have already overwhelmed the glaciation cycle of course and global temperatures are rising at an unprecedented rate.

How do you know what usual is? What if we are in the middle of the only cycle that has ever occurred, or what if we are in the middle of the 10 millionth cycle that has occurred long before we started keeping records?

The quality of your perspective is equal to the fragment of time that you have been keeping records. What do you suppose that is?
How do you know what usual is?
There are geological records going back millions of years.

The fact is, decades ago, climate scientists projected a startling increase in global temperatures would occur based on increasing carbon dioxide levels. It is is happening.

For years, climate change denialists argued that there was no change happening until it became impossible to dismiss. Then they moved to claiming it was part of a natural cycle. Scientists have shown a very thorough understanding of the factors involved in cycles and none of them can be attributed as a cause of the temperature increase.

Scientists said it would happen and it did. Why do you find it so hard to accept they have got it right?

Some denialists have now accepted it is being caused by human activity and started arguing that it will improve the planet.
"The Tennessee State Senate passed a bill today that would ban the spraying of chemicals for geoengineering in our skies. Here’s some of the key language: The bill would ban the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any mean, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight."
"The Tennessee State Senate passed a bill today that would ban the spraying of chemicals for geoengineering in our skies
this has been in the making for a long time. as a matter of fact, hasn't there already been another state that has done this previous to TN? CA is supposed to be first on the list for implementing crazy ass laws anyway. hasn't weather manipulation to keep the atmosphere cool been been planned and/or talked about for sometime now at least by scientists?
this has been in the making for a long time. as a matter of fact, hasn't there already been another state that has done this previous to TN? CA is supposed to be first on the list for implementing crazy ass laws anyway. hasn't weather manipulation to keep the atmosphere cool been been planned and/or talked about for sometime now at least by scientists?
They are definitely making it rain here, one only has to go outside to see the cross hatch patterns these planes are flying.
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