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Today, 19:57
Dec 26, 2010
How to make Numlock to be always on in Access
Be aware that some actions, including SendKeys, can turn numlock off - even if the keys being sent are NOT to turn numlock off. Some api calls can mess with num lock too. I have a simple vba code in an Excel workbook that maximizes excel when it opens and sets the focus - and it turns off my num lock for reasons I cannot determine. I hesitate to offer the "undocumented/unpredictable" answer, but I do feel that num lock turning off sorta falls in this category sometimes.
There is some old code (link removed) but you will probably have to find update versions of the API declarations for 64bit.
Don't worry about it being 32 bit code: it still works. And given how just how much 32 bit code is still used by the Access 64 bit application it will be for some time yet! Usual warnings about need to use PtrSafe in declarations, of course.
Don't worry about it being 32 bit code: it still works. And given how just how much 32 bit code is still used by the Access 64 bit application it will be for some time yet! Usual warnings about need to use PtrSafe in declarations, of course.
I wasn't worried.

It was the declarations that I was talking about.
I wasn't worried.

It was the declarations that I was talking about.

See what you mean - of course information about the 32 Bit API isn't easily available anymore, unless. like me, you still have a copy of Visual Basic programmer's Guide to the Win32 API by Dan Appleman. ISBN 978 0672315909.

Given me the idea for a new thread on using books rather than just relying on on-line helps.

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